Dearest people, *
Popping on here to say hey! This Summer has been AMAZING and the fastest ever for me. :D Happy days!
This week:
Painting! Marth and Tayte's little home is in the works and looking precious! (we have blue and white paint on us...of course.) Painting with your sister is the best. Especially when it's on her future home! Aww...I can hardly wait to show you pictures of their place!
Mums has been sewing! She has made THE most beautiful summer dress, eyelet, white, collared. Mes wants ones too.
*John with Bird Dog and France. Love seeing my boys ride.
Daddy and the boys have been doing carpentry, and the farming is due to start back up in August! Hooray!! Everyone is so excited about getting their paws in the dirt again. The land is rested now, and Lord willing, soon we'll plow and plant, and Daddy's rows of green will be in straight lines down the garden rows.
I love walking past Mom and Dad's room and seeing the wind blow the curtains, and seeing Mama's Bible out on the bed stead. She is such a wonderful mother-such a lover of us, such a lover of God...
Time to shear The Bears!! Sam is excited.
Actually it is time to cut-as-little-as-possible. (It's so fantasic when they have a little fluff on top!)
See? In this picture he really doesn't even need a haircut. Just a snidge of a trim. I've been having a blast cutting the guys' hair and now have a passion for the cutting of manly locks. There is the potential for great rejoicing, or great wreckage. Laughter or tears. Making or breaking.
Hair is important, my friends. Grow and trim with care.
(Love my boysies so!!)
Here's Luke and Ariana, being adorable the other night. We were all over at our house having a clan supper and these two were playing on the floor together. It's always to neat to get down on their leval and see what you can see.
Please ignore the dust under that piece of furniture. And under the desk. And also what appears to be a potatoe under the desk. You did not just see that.
Wes and Rach! (are they a gorgeous couple or what!!?)
Super Baby. His smiles almost actually make your heart burst. He is SO happy.
Wisa Wee!!! (see, again-we just seem to get the prettiest sister in laws EVER! Nice going boys...)
And Sir Kendall.
He looks like he's a senator during his 4th consecutive winning campaign, walking though the supporters and news reporters... "You know, Todd, he has such confidence. He knows he's got this one in the bag. And I think his supporters feel his determination and commitment. Back to you at the studio..."
Miter' Beautibul!!!
He. is. so. fluffy.
Rach with her two babies. ( 'Yana looks like a baby doll! Oh my word.)
Martha made this AWESOME quilt out of all the boys' old jeans and then embroidered their eight names in the four corners, two on each corner, and now it is at the foot of the bed in a guest room. Isn't it charming? And look, there are even some patches with pockets!!
Martha's quilts are priceless treasures. Each one so full of love.
Esther Girl's 5th birthday! Our darling oldest grand daughter is now half a decade old. Wow.
Happy Birthday, Essie Cakes!!!!!!
Here's the special girl and her Papa and Mama and Elizabeth Rose.
We love you, little girl. So much.
And The Couple got their mail box up at their future place! And dems eben habs a twash can too... How sweet is that?
Happy 34th anniversary to our wonderful parents!!!! Right before they left on their very special anniversary trip, Daddy surprised Mom with some beautiful new earrings and a new hand bag! As you can see, it was a great success. :D Drew doesn't seem to get it.
One night me and Marth spent the night at the Alexanders and all of us older kids had a late night movie party. So fun being together, such a blessing having this wonderful family.
(We missed Brittany -she was out of town that weekend, so...this just means we'll have to do it again! ;) )
Wowzers!!! Look at these clouds!
God is amazing.
Cox Dairy Road, in the summer. Most beautiful road on earth.
Memorial Day with...(some of) the Campanas!!!!!! (Oh, we miss them. Hey! Y'all get on up here, m'kay?)
Here are us kids, after playing on our homemade slip and slide. It's actually more like bungee jumping, just with out the elastic cord and harness.
After we were certain of muscle and rib bruising, we decided to go to Reed Bingham for an impromptu lake party with everybody! We picked up root beers and hitched up the boat and had a blast.
Two in Blue at the Lake
Mums and Par Par and Auntie brought supper over after a bit and it was so nice, all sitting there together, tired and wet and happy, with BBQ and little babies and the sunset.
Andrew, right before pulling in the my bros on the water!
Ah. Bliss.
Mike and Kress and Littles. See, Fletcher hasn't come out yet! At this point he was being a naughty specimen and was staying in. :D
(silhouettes are so cool!)
Mrs. R. sent us over a bucket of mayhaws, and Mama made the most beautiful and delicious mayhaw jelly. She used some of the juice for making iced mayhaw chillers. Ah. SO refreshing. That color is incredible.
Oh, and this Summer....we got to keep the H.'s kids!!!! At LAST! We've been wanting to have them over forever, and it finally worked out - the Mr. and Mrs. went off for a little anniversary trip, and the kiddos and us had tea parties, played raucous games of King and Queen, planted flowers and ate Snickers bars and talked. Here we are at the luncheon, selecting our preferred teas.
(Aww, look at our men at the tea party!! They are so. cute.)
Although dolls were present, the food was still meaty and beastly, and all the guys enjoyed it. Daddy just went on later about how pretty the table was.
This smile makes you smile, every time.
S. is such an amazing big sister. Here she sits with O., who is eating a paw full of soaked almonds. What you doin', boy!?
Those almonds were so cool, by the way, soaked like that.
We found tiny wild strawberries and read story books and played limbo with a bamboo stick. Mr. M and Mrs. K. should do this every year. :D This family is such a blessing, and so precious. We love them so!
Well, gotta run, lovelies! Oh, earlier this morning, you should have seen it...the mist was soft and like tulle, stranded around everything until the sun came up. It was breathtaking. It looks like today is going to be summer-time golden and green.
Happy day to you!
Popping on here to say hey! This Summer has been AMAZING and the fastest ever for me. :D Happy days!
This week:
Painting! Marth and Tayte's little home is in the works and looking precious! (we have blue and white paint on us...of course.) Painting with your sister is the best. Especially when it's on her future home! Aww...I can hardly wait to show you pictures of their place!
Mums has been sewing! She has made THE most beautiful summer dress, eyelet, white, collared. Mes wants ones too.
*John with Bird Dog and France. Love seeing my boys ride.
Daddy and the boys have been doing carpentry, and the farming is due to start back up in August! Hooray!! Everyone is so excited about getting their paws in the dirt again. The land is rested now, and Lord willing, soon we'll plow and plant, and Daddy's rows of green will be in straight lines down the garden rows.
I love walking past Mom and Dad's room and seeing the wind blow the curtains, and seeing Mama's Bible out on the bed stead. She is such a wonderful mother-such a lover of us, such a lover of God...
Time to shear The Bears!! Sam is excited.
Actually it is time to cut-as-little-as-possible. (It's so fantasic when they have a little fluff on top!)
See? In this picture he really doesn't even need a haircut. Just a snidge of a trim. I've been having a blast cutting the guys' hair and now have a passion for the cutting of manly locks. There is the potential for great rejoicing, or great wreckage. Laughter or tears. Making or breaking.
Hair is important, my friends. Grow and trim with care.
(Love my boysies so!!)
Here's Luke and Ariana, being adorable the other night. We were all over at our house having a clan supper and these two were playing on the floor together. It's always to neat to get down on their leval and see what you can see.
Please ignore the dust under that piece of furniture. And under the desk. And also what appears to be a potatoe under the desk. You did not just see that.
Wes and Rach! (are they a gorgeous couple or what!!?)
Super Baby. His smiles almost actually make your heart burst. He is SO happy.
Wisa Wee!!! (see, again-we just seem to get the prettiest sister in laws EVER! Nice going boys...)
And Sir Kendall.
He looks like he's a senator during his 4th consecutive winning campaign, walking though the supporters and news reporters... "You know, Todd, he has such confidence. He knows he's got this one in the bag. And I think his supporters feel his determination and commitment. Back to you at the studio..."
Miter' Beautibul!!!
He. is. so. fluffy.
Rach with her two babies. ( 'Yana looks like a baby doll! Oh my word.)
Martha made this AWESOME quilt out of all the boys' old jeans and then embroidered their eight names in the four corners, two on each corner, and now it is at the foot of the bed in a guest room. Isn't it charming? And look, there are even some patches with pockets!!
Martha's quilts are priceless treasures. Each one so full of love.
Esther Girl's 5th birthday! Our darling oldest grand daughter is now half a decade old. Wow.
Happy Birthday, Essie Cakes!!!!!!
Here's the special girl and her Papa and Mama and Elizabeth Rose.
We love you, little girl. So much.
And The Couple got their mail box up at their future place! And dems eben habs a twash can too... How sweet is that?
Happy 34th anniversary to our wonderful parents!!!! Right before they left on their very special anniversary trip, Daddy surprised Mom with some beautiful new earrings and a new hand bag! As you can see, it was a great success. :D Drew doesn't seem to get it.
One night me and Marth spent the night at the Alexanders and all of us older kids had a late night movie party. So fun being together, such a blessing having this wonderful family.
(We missed Brittany -she was out of town that weekend, so...this just means we'll have to do it again! ;) )
Wowzers!!! Look at these clouds!
God is amazing.
Cox Dairy Road, in the summer. Most beautiful road on earth.
Memorial Day with...(some of) the Campanas!!!!!! (Oh, we miss them. Hey! Y'all get on up here, m'kay?)
Here are us kids, after playing on our homemade slip and slide. It's actually more like bungee jumping, just with out the elastic cord and harness.
After we were certain of muscle and rib bruising, we decided to go to Reed Bingham for an impromptu lake party with everybody! We picked up root beers and hitched up the boat and had a blast.
Two in Blue at the Lake
Andrew, right before pulling in the my bros on the water!
Ah. Bliss.
Mike and Kress and Littles. See, Fletcher hasn't come out yet! At this point he was being a naughty specimen and was staying in. :D
(silhouettes are so cool!)
Mrs. R. sent us over a bucket of mayhaws, and Mama made the most beautiful and delicious mayhaw jelly. She used some of the juice for making iced mayhaw chillers. Ah. SO refreshing. That color is incredible.
Oh, and this Summer....we got to keep the H.'s kids!!!! At LAST! We've been wanting to have them over forever, and it finally worked out - the Mr. and Mrs. went off for a little anniversary trip, and the kiddos and us had tea parties, played raucous games of King and Queen, planted flowers and ate Snickers bars and talked. Here we are at the luncheon, selecting our preferred teas.
(Aww, look at our men at the tea party!! They are so. cute.)
Although dolls were present, the food was still meaty and beastly, and all the guys enjoyed it. Daddy just went on later about how pretty the table was.
This smile makes you smile, every time.
S. is such an amazing big sister. Here she sits with O., who is eating a paw full of soaked almonds. What you doin', boy!?
Those almonds were so cool, by the way, soaked like that.
We found tiny wild strawberries and read story books and played limbo with a bamboo stick. Mr. M and Mrs. K. should do this every year. :D This family is such a blessing, and so precious. We love them so!
Well, gotta run, lovelies! Oh, earlier this morning, you should have seen it...the mist was soft and like tulle, stranded around everything until the sun came up. It was breathtaking. It looks like today is going to be summer-time golden and green.
Happy day to you!