Friday, December 20, 2013

Brooke and Daniel's Wedding Weekend!!

Ah, weddings are so glorious. And especially those of dear friends who love the Lord and each other with their whole hearts. :) What an honor and joy to witness Brooke and Daniel's marriage ceremony and to praise the Lord together with them, and with other precious friends who gathered for this amazing day.

It's also wonderful when same said joyous occasion brings some of your favorite people in the world to your home for the weekend. :D We were so glad to welcome Cleveland, Lise Marie and Liam from Texas (So glad to see them!!!) and the reunion was so. so. happy. Ah, love them so much...and then the wonderful K.'s and C.'s were there!! And our darling Dorothy, Noah and Ennie-Wnnie from Alabama!! Family...I guess there're no words to describe the joy, except just to thank Him, because it all is because of Him-that we are His and that we are loved.
They're here!! All gathered on the front porch, laughing and everybody tearing up and hugging, swing going back and fourth, and the children greeting Liam...
So wonderful to have them here!!!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...after we all hugged around, it was back to the kitchen, where Andrew fries chicken!!! There is no chicken to be thusly compared to Sir Tom's magnificent poultry.
Happy Mama!!!
(his secret...)
Alan!! Taste Tester.
And the boys were precious and made the pies.
Garlic Art
The boys are so fun. :)
Then out side where we take a quick family shot. Laughing over several things that are funny in this picture. LOL...candid is classic.
We all gather for....C&L's baby's gender announcement!!!

It's a-a-a...

Oh, never mind. :D
(Oh, and of course, I guessed wrong. One always has to keep these old traditions up, even if it costs you.)
A BOY!!!! :D Liam is going to be the best big brother. I love watching brothers....
And here's Wesley, keeps us laughing. I love humorous people. What a crack-up!!! (Can't you hear Uncle Tom and Daddy laughing, Lise, Dee, Alan!? When I look at this, I can really almost hear fabulous...)
Cleve and Lise brought home a beautiful gift for Mama, a new blue pitcher to add to her collection!! Isn't the newest addition cute!? It's a baby one!
The next morning we breakfast on cinnamon rolls.
The golden morning sunlight was just stunning on the brass and cotton, but I wasn't able to capture the way it really looked. So here is a picture of what it did not look like. ;)
Martha and Mariah, before the caffeine has kicked in.
Uncle Andrew and Liam!!! Don't you love him in those footie pajamas!!? (Liam, of course, not Andrew)
Don't you sometimes wonder what babies are thinking?
"What? This? For breakfast? Heavens, the edge is burnt to crispiness. Besides, scrambled eggs give me awful flatulence, and I have an appointment at 10:00, not to mention Mother won't be pleased to see I've breakfasted before 9:00....


  1. Thank you for the beautiful family photo. We have it sitting up on our piano in the family room. Won't be long before you all will need a bigger porch to photograph your entire family!
    Glad to see little Liam is going to have a little brother. They will be such great pals.



  2. Love these posts Adeline!

    We are enjoying your family photo too. Looking it over and over on our fridge and seeing how much everyone has grown!

    Those grand boys still outnumber the grand girlies!

    Love and Merriest of Christmases to you all!

