Wednesday, October 21, 2009
More Pictures from past months...

Well, have a very blessed evening, y'all. I've got to run-we girls are putting up our summer clothes and bringing out the cozy fall/winter stuff!! That's always so fun. But we are determined to finish it tonight, and not have a single pile of clothes left in sight before we go to bed!! You know how that one (or two) little pile of clothes stays on a chair for a week or longer, or a little longer waiting to be hemmed, taken to Hope House, etc.? Ahh! "No more, quoth they!! no stitch of clothing shall be left unturned! no stack of raiment shall be seen in all the room! No shoe out of place-!" Anyway. We'll see. :) But, Lord willing, we shall do it!!
Then I'd better go!!
Goodnight, and may your sleep be sweet!!
Ah, hello, dears!!
Well. Goodness. So much has been happening around here since I last posted in July or there abouts. So many delightful memories have been made, babies born, birthdays had, travels traveled! And so much more to come, Lord willing, in the next few months. I know that God will give us grace and mercy, as He always has. We serve such a faithful Lord! Maybe sometime in January (that's when our schedule starts to let up. LOL. ;D) I would love to catch up in detail on the wonderful events and life that we've had this past July, August, September and most of October. But, until then, I thought I would give y'all a quick overview and share a few of our favorite pictures from the past few months, and give y'all the biggest bites of news and family happenings!!
So, here goes, y'all!!
First of all, one of the most important things that has happened since we last posted, has been the arrival of our newest darling grand baby, William Stone Morton!! Ah, so much joy this baby is, so much to be thankful for in this man! So much to share about him, but, alas, I must move on...
With him's Grand Daddy...
A more recent pictures of our sweetheart...

And, 'tis late. Must get slumbers, so off I scurry-hope to finish this tomorrow!!
Thanks for stopping by.
Much Love,
Adeline, on behalf of my dear family
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