Ah, hello, dears!!

How I've missed each of you. How are y'all doing!? I hope well. Isn't this fall weather simply luscious!? (I'm sure I've been saying that allot lately, but it is so pretty that one can not help talking about it!! Weather is such a joy...) This afternoon, Mama dear, Sam, Edwin, Paul and I were coming home from delivering the CSA, and we were driving down these back roads, and-ah!! The white cotton fields, the lakes spotting the country side here and there, looking like shining glass with the afternoon sun light on them-green grass, blue sky, that October sky, with picture perfect clouds across it...and if you've ever been in Georgia when it's peanut and cotton season, well-you should see it. It is glorious. All along the country roads, you see on either side of the them, a scattering of white cotton that has blown from the trucks...it looks like a sprinkling of little bits of cloud on both sides of the road...Oh, and air. I love the way air smells. It smells like Fall time now. The Lord is so good to give us such beautiful seasons to enjoy!!
Well. Goodness. So much has been happening around here since I last posted in July or there abouts. So many delightful memories have been made, babies born, birthdays had, travels traveled! And so much more to come, Lord willing, in the next few months. I know that God will give us grace and mercy, as He always has. We serve such a faithful Lord! Maybe sometime in January (that's when our schedule starts to let up. LOL. ;D) I would love to catch up in detail on the wonderful events and life that we've had this past July, August, September and most of October. But, until then, I thought I would give y'all a quick overview and share a few of our favorite pictures from the past few months, and give y'all the biggest bites of news and family happenings!!
So, here goes, y'all!!
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