Greeting from Ohio! Here we are, all cozy in out hotel room, 9 stories up in the air, right in the middle of downtown Cincinnati! And guess what!??
It's snowing! !!
We are ecstatic. The Lord was so kind to let it snow while we were here and let us see a little bit of the white stuff. It is so, so beautiful. And absolutely freezing cold up here. :) To enjoy that fact, we plan on hopping over to the ice skating rink in a bit and attempt to ice skate! Doesn't that sound fun? I forbid you to laugh at the idea of us skating, LOL. :D No doubt we shall all fall down a dozen times and arrive tomorrow at the SOS conference bruised and jolly. :D I do think it shall be great fun, though!
Ah, what a blessed time we're having up here! We left home Tuesday morning at one thirty am, caravaned up with the darling Campana, Roberts, Alan Smith and Wesley Morton families up here (The radio communication that was enjoyed could have been recorded and sold as a comedy routine! Hilarious...) and, since our arrival, we have enjoyed the amazing Creation Museum, and evenings of several families gathering at somebody's room and having a wonderful time of fellowship. (it's so jolly-allot of us are staying in the same hotel, so it's almost like living in a mini neighborhood :) We had a girl's movie night over at the Davis' room last night where we ate luscious junk food and watched part of the new Emma (so sweet) and just had a charming time being together. What a wonderful week we've enjoyed, and what a weekend before us-I'm so excited about seeing old friends/meeting new ones, listening to the messages, and just basking in the company of other members of the Body of Christ. Praise the Lord!
Well, I must run-Kressy and Mike, we miss y'all so-give the babies kisses for us! Love y'all. Talk to you all later!
Addie-O, for all
Hey ya'll, we are having such a grand time too. We really enjoyed having all the ladies and girlies at our hotel room last night. Looking forward to a great weekend with our dear family members in Christ. There are so many and everytime we come to an event like this it is kind of like a family reunion.
I would love to try ice skating too! Say hello to the Maxson's for us. :)
Oh, we wanted to go to this but couldn't make it! We will just enjoy it through your posts!
Hi Mortons:)
oh! Ice skating is SO much fun1! i went like a week ago with my cousins:)have a great time!
-McKinney Lane
Fun! I wish we could have gone...maybe next year! See y'all at the ball(I still have to find a dress!) Miss you girls!
Hey Y'all!
Looks like you are have a great time!
Have fun and See you at the end/beginning of the month!
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