Last week we had the great joy and honor of having the dear Johnson family in our home for the weekend! Daddy and Mama met them while in NC at the Brown's, and we invited them down for a visit-we had such a great time of fellowship together...What a joy the Body of Christ is!
Our pear tree is blooming. It was fun putting them on the are such a delight!! They arrived Friday night, amid much excitement, and we got to keep them 'till Monday! In between, we talked (and talked, and talked :) went on walks, played cards, ate chocolate, and lots and lots of awesome cookies, and just relaxed...we went to church meeting at the Robert's home that Sunday, and after an edifying and inspiring meeting, (and enjoying a jolly afternoon at their home) Mr. Johnson then treated us all to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants that night for was soo good and we were so touched by their kindness...We then visited and talked 'till early the next morning. (back at home, of course-the restaurant owners would not have been having as fun as we were if we'd done that, LOL. Hence we took our ball home and made hot chocolate, tea and coffee and visited more! :) Lovely times...
Monday, our men had to leave for work, hence the lack of persons in the group picture below. :) And poor Rach had gotten sick Sunday night, and so Dee was over at her house helping her, hence her absence as well. The Johnsons helped us move our chicken fence before breakfast, and then afterwords we waved them off with laughter, hugs, and hearts filled with gratefulness to the Lord for such an encouraging weekend with friends!

The kitchen-or, The Gathering Place. ;) It's so fun working in there together!

LOL, I did not realize I had the camera on manual focus, but here's the whole lot of us down for supper one night! Ah-ha, observe the beautiful artisan bread on 'ze table-Stephanie made it, and we girls were quite inspired by the pretty braid and sesame seeds...they were like, the most helpful, easy people ever, and brought tons of mouth watering food down with them. We felt like we were on vacation!

Me and Stephanie play around with her really,
really cool wide angle lens...I want one! The results from the above angle
uh...never mind.
Dutch Blitz and Catan were greatly enjoyed over the weekend...

And the dishes always disappeared...Thanks so much, sweet girlies!

And they are, the dears, helping us move out chicken fence. It went real quick with so many hands.

Paul Man doing his bit...
"Uh, excuse me-what ARE you doing?" *to be said in Australian accent* ;)

Esther, Hannah and Martha

Critter gives me The Eyebrow. :D Cute 'ittle Specimen...

Sweet Sisters

Steph and John-John!

I just love this picture! Such cute randomness. Here's our many-people-absent picture. We're still quite a jolly lot, however. :)

And here's the lovely Johnson clan!
Thanks for everything y'all!! Come again soon!
Love to all,
Adeline, for the family
What a wonderful blessing to welcome new friends to your home. I see that the Browns are heading down here to Georgia for a NCFIC conference/ Road Trip in July. Another great time for meeting new friends.
Thanks so much for your wonderful hospitality!!! We really enjoyed our time of fellowship with you, and learned so much from being in your home. Also, please thank the Roberts and everyone at church for us. It was truly a special time. Our cup runneth over with gratitude towards you all.
God bless,
Melissa for all the Johnson gang
How lovely!
I had met Stephanie and her sisters family last year..they're so sweet--I'm sure the time of fellowship with the J. family was so edifying :)
In Christ,
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