Good afternoon, y'all!
How are you? We're all well...It's hot outside-a good, steamy hot that feels good to breath in. (that is when you're going back inside shortly, LOL:) Blue skies today, with little lacy clouds....I brought a cinco de mayo rose in from Dorothy's garden, and it smells so good. It reminds me of GrandMama, summer time, and Dorothy. We're really missing Dorothy. We're all in good health, except for a summer's worth of poison ivy that certain of our number are hosting...bless their patient hearts. They're bearing it all with out complaint, though, sweet dears, and it seems to be tapering off.
Oh! Guess what we just had delivered to the new garden spot? Tons and TONS of compost. Literally. Cool! It was amazing watching them unload it.
Well, I do believe I keep quite a tardy blog. A thousand apologies on the lateness of all posts wedding-ish, yon readerlings! But, better a late recording, then no recording at all. So, from now on 'till I'm done, I now give you:
The Exceptionally Blessed and Wondrously Exciting Events That took Place on a July Day at Calathora, And of the Days Preceeding
And here is the preceeding part. :)
Ah-well, the week before the wedding. I can hardly believe that it's already passed. I do believe preparing for a sibling's wedding is among life's most delicious activities. :) And the time is also among the very sweetest, stressful,(for whom?) most exhausting, incredibly invigorating, THE most excitement-filled (to overflowing!) and enjoyable times in one's life. It's amazing that so many different aspects can go into one 7 day period, and go into each so fully, LOL. But they do, and it's wonderful.
Good afternoon, friends. Jeanine, here, tag-blogging with Adeline. You will get one of the sister's and the mother's perspectives - interesting, no?
And our Church family is wonderful. We are blessed, Beyond words.
The love, excitement and help of the local church is one of the sweetest parts of a wedding. Working together on the plans, and living through the experience together is a relationship-building time par excellence. And it's so much fun!!!!
On Monday, our precious friend Amanda came for the week, and did all of the cooking and kitchen cleaning. I can't begin to say what a blessing it was to come down from some wedding-ish project to find the table set, and a huge, hot meal, with fresh bread and all, waiting for the whole family.How are you? We're all well...It's hot outside-a good, steamy hot that feels good to breath in. (that is when you're going back inside shortly, LOL:) Blue skies today, with little lacy clouds....I brought a cinco de mayo rose in from Dorothy's garden, and it smells so good. It reminds me of GrandMama, summer time, and Dorothy. We're really missing Dorothy. We're all in good health, except for a summer's worth of poison ivy that certain of our number are hosting...bless their patient hearts. They're bearing it all with out complaint, though, sweet dears, and it seems to be tapering off.
Oh! Guess what we just had delivered to the new garden spot? Tons and TONS of compost. Literally. Cool! It was amazing watching them unload it.
Well, I do believe I keep quite a tardy blog. A thousand apologies on the lateness of all posts wedding-ish, yon readerlings! But, better a late recording, then no recording at all. So, from now on 'till I'm done, I now give you:
The Exceptionally Blessed and Wondrously Exciting Events That took Place on a July Day at Calathora, And of the Days Preceeding
And here is the preceeding part. :)
Ah-well, the week before the wedding. I can hardly believe that it's already passed. I do believe preparing for a sibling's wedding is among life's most delicious activities. :) And the time is also among the very sweetest, stressful,(for whom?) most exhausting, incredibly invigorating, THE most excitement-filled (to overflowing!) and enjoyable times in one's life. It's amazing that so many different aspects can go into one 7 day period, and go into each so fully, LOL. But they do, and it's wonderful.
Good afternoon, friends. Jeanine, here, tag-blogging with Adeline. You will get one of the sister's and the mother's perspectives - interesting, no?
And our Church family is wonderful. We are blessed, Beyond words.
The love, excitement and help of the local church is one of the sweetest parts of a wedding. Working together on the plans, and living through the experience together is a relationship-building time par excellence. And it's so much fun!!!!
Yes, this is secret #1 to a happy/stress-free wedding - a kitchen/culinary expert who moves in and takes over the kitchen! I always tell my girls - we don't 'do' special events instead of our regular work, but 'in addition to' our regular work- and with a house full of hungry sons and guests , to know that the meals will be there, served up with a smile, takes the stress off and releases the ladies of the family to tend to the preparations for the wedding. Amanda's dear grandmother, Harriett, stepped in to Amanda's place at home, so we are so grateful to the D. family and the P. family for letting Amanda come over.
Amanda not only tended to the meals for the entire household three times a day, she even remembered the afternoon snacks , milkshakes and coffee !!!!!(and gano) that is quite the tradition in the Morton household.
On a side note, she also served as secretary to one non-stressed mother of the bride/event planner who almost lost it ordering pizzas. :)

Ah, yes, secret #2. A Man Friday. The mother of the bride must have a strong helper. We called Dakota in and he agreed to come and help. This young man served us so kindly - he toted bamboo, raked yards, moved furniture, did all manner of hard and heavy jobs, and all with a smile.

Yes, now that was luxurious - having a chauffeur!! "Drive on, Roster."
"We must have cappacinos, Dakota. Pull over!"

A note to all the mothers - remember taking the time to run outside and look at the clouds and lizards and roses your daughter wanted to show you when she was little?
We need to remember to make time at this special time for fun trips and outings and hikes and meals and snacks with the daughter who is, now, fixing to leave home. This was a fun day.
( for those unversed in southern-ese, 'fixing to' means 'about to')
On the long drive home, us girls, asleep in the back, were wakened by Mama and Dakota yelling about raccoons in the front seat. "Oh no. The shopping's finally gettin' to 'em." After I was fully functional, LOL, we looked, too, and saw an entire family of raccoons huddled on the edge of the road, waiting to pass over! It was so cool. We turned around, all exclaiming now, and got a few pictures.

Campbell looks especially excited about the whole chocolate thing.

Ah, yes. Secret #3. Lots of help. So sweetly given by the Church family. And again, so much fun.

All these dear daughters and friends make me look good, don't they?
And today, Wednesday, me and Norma went up to all the gates and but wraths on them , with big white bows that moved around in the wind...they make it look so wedding-ish!!!
More on the week's end to come...
What a precious post!
When we hosted Katie and Alan for a weekend a few years ago, she told me that I would love her mother. I must say she is right! I love your wise words and fun spirit.
I have 4 daughters and 2 sons. I am watching, learning and remembering all your hints and tips!
Thanks ladies for posting.
Deanna Rabe
New Providence, PA
ps - I know that Katie is due soon. I am praying for her and can't wait to hear about baby #4!
I loved all mom's advice. Two of our five are young adult sons, so I'm paying attention to what you have shared for future reference. We also have daughters too!
The wedding was so sweet. The couple looked so happy. You all are blessed to have such a wonderful and helpful church family. Thanks for sharing these pictures. Dee's sisters looked like they really enjoyed their sister's big day.
Beatiful pictures as always! Love you all,
Oh what a fun post! I loved all the sweet pictures.
What a blessing to have so many wonderful friends to help with your sister's wedding!
I cannot wait to read more...:)
McKenzie Elizabeth~
Looks like such a fun time instead of busying about and forgetting the purpose behind the whole event!
I love your mama's words too, I am trying to remember that these days will not last long for sure, I am trying to enjoy them and make memories!
Your pictures are gorgeous, and I have really enjoyed reading about your family and Dorothy's wedding. Wishing them a very long and happy blessed life together!
I very much enjoyed the mother of the bride's perspective too. :)
Lisa T.
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