And now:
The Second:
"After the Chickens go to Bed" party at Noah's dear sister's house. What a tremendous blast we had, Lora Lyn-you are an incredible hostess and sister!

When we got there, candles were lit, sweet smelling lillies were placed here and there, and goodies piled high at nearly every side table of whichever comfy chair you choose to relax in. :) Above is The Master Table, on which are heaped all the delicious delicacies that delight the female heart.

Dorothy, the lovely guest of honor, holding her new and adorable niece.

And our wonderful hostess!!
She was amazing...
The evening's activities were fun and start off, Dorothy opened all her charming and lovely gifts. :) Afterwards, we put ourselves in stitches and lumpy-throats over an acrostics game using the word DOROTHY. Then, Mama, Aunt Wendi and Lora Lyn shared with Dorothy (and the rest of us who were blessed to listen, too) some pearls of wisdom about being a wife. It was a very sweet time...

Abs and K.-Kin

Foot rubs, popcorn, more chocolate, ;) journal signing, P&P, looking at family photo albulms, and just relaxing and talking were enjoyed far into the night. What a special and wonderful time we had together!
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