"Thisth is Joe. Aunt Agwine caught me on the front porch one day and she said that I had on a really swif polo, with navy shorts, and that my blue eyes were shining wistfuwwy, and my blonde hair especially cunning, and that she could not resist my cuteness. Tho, she got the camera, and I did my best to pwease. These are the wesults.

Not thure why, but she especially woves my eyelashes.

This was one 'a her favorites.
You've no idea how exthausting these thsessions are. Had to stop for cheek breaks every hour.

This thsot was taken shortly before I asked to be released. She could not wesist my pleading, questioning gaze. This one also turned out to be a personal favorite, however. I intend for this to be my profile picture on my website.
If it is as effective as my campaign flyer, I should do well.
When she was finished (she never knew how tired I was-I always try to make thure my employees don't feel, you know, bad) I was wewarded treats, and much admiration.
Both very wewarding.
Well, hope you like these as much as she did.
I thrust your evening is very pleasant.
Your thruely,
Joseph Morton, Jr.
He's a darling boy!
Oh those are adorable Adeline!
Very funny...;)
Love you!
Alyssa and Mariah
So sweet!
Loved it!
He's so cute.
So precious! Nephews are so wonderful and darling!
Very cute Addie. :) Love you!
Greetings to the family. Hope to see y'all soon.
Christ be with you!
For His glory alone,
How Adorable! Very cute!
~britt in Idaho
I love you Joey!! LOL
These are so adorable Addie.
Love you,
He's so cute! And the story to go along with the pictures was very funny!
Hahaha! Oh my goodness, Addie, these are hilarious! You make such a fine blogger, I LOVE how you keep up the blog so well, and make it so interesting. :-) Love all the pictures of the little cutie, what a joy it must be to have so many "babies" to photograph. :-)
See y'all later!
Man, what a cute kid! He must have a terribly handsome dad to have inherited such great looks;)
~A partial Mommy
Oh my stars! I have the cutest nephews EVER!
Great photography poogie ;)
It was such a delight to talk with you today!! Now I REALLY want to see y'all!
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