Below is a collection of pictures of our nine darlings. Isabella was born a few days after this ordeal and there are two more on the way, due in August (Dorothy) and September (Katie)! Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow.

Hope you enjoy the following! We sure did. ;)
The actual photography session was among the most entertaining things in the world to see - six women trying to get nine babies under 4 to look in the same direction and do something that resembles a smile was a delightful riot...
"Yahooo-babies-babies! Looooook at meee....You are so cute. Yes you are. Yes...." "No, buddy-get your finger out of your nose. We don't do that." "Look at me-look at me. In-my-eyes. Stop crying. Now." "Hey! Yahoooo-darlin', get your leg off his head! It's okay, buddy-You'll be fine. Look here. Smile at me. No, SMILE at me-" "Good, buddy-that's a great smile. You look great. There we go...."
One day I want to video one of these sessions for hysterics. ;) I love my family! Thank You, Lord!
One last thing.
I must to say it-
They are so, so cute.

My mother is such a jewel-a crown to Daddy and the most beautiful grandmother I have ever seen. I'm grateful beyond words for a mother like Mama! It is beautiful watching her as a grandmother. Her 12 children, that she bore over a course of 20 years, have given her 12 grandchildren in 5 years. Thank You Lord...

Grand Mama reads about duckies.
And I shall end with my favorite! (I love you Mama!)
Polls opened! Let me know what you think. Tell me about your favorite! (Picture, I mean-not grandkid, LOL) Any photography tips welcomed.
Farewell, kind observer! Auf Wiedersehen! Addio! Au Revoir! Shalom.

Polls opened! Let me know what you think. Tell me about your favorite! (Picture, I mean-not grandkid, LOL) Any photography tips welcomed.
Farewell, kind observer! Auf Wiedersehen! Addio! Au Revoir! Shalom.
I love all the photos - especially the one of Bret and Esther! Sweet!
Hopefully we will get to meet you soon! That would be so fun!
Love the picture of grandma with all her grands.
Our family had the pleasure of meeting Alan and one of his little ones at the GHEA conference. I hope we one day get to meet the rest of your precious family. Thanks for sharing all the great photos.
What a wonderful Godly heritage! It would be pure joy to meet all of you some day and say "Hello" from up here in Pennsylvania. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us!
Regina Simply Gorgeous :).....what beatiful children and Grand Mama. Love the one with the three of them reading. Those expressions or priceless!
The Kendalls
Oh My - I love them all. They are all so cute!
I really love the one of your mama with all her grandbabies around her! What a blessing she is to have so close to the children and love on them like she does!
They are all just lovely! You could almost eat them all up as if they were delightful little chocolates! ;) You did such a good job in capturing the different characteristics of each of the children!
I was so happy to see your new post! They are always soooooooo uplifting!
God bless you and your family!
Love, Emily :)
Such beautiful pictures. I love all of them!! They are all so precious! :)Ohhhhhh sometimes I can't wait to get married and start a family of my own!
God Bless,
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