How are you? I hope well! I was just thinking about you all and wanted to hop on and say a quick 'ello! I hope you're well-we are doing wonderful! The Lord is so good to us, all the time.
Oh, we are deliciously busy and so, so very excited about the weekend! I love the bustle before a gathering. :) I can hardly wait to see those of you who will be here and for what the Lord will show us through His Word and His Saints!
I have my precious list here, and am having the best time scratching off the different things. I LOVE lists!!
Right now, I can hear:
Siamsa playing. That is such a happy song and sounds like the way I feel!! Also the sound of a squeaky fan. :) I love that sound-and screen doors and a front porch swing. :) ) And I can hear the lawn mower!
I smell:
Fresh cut grass.
I see: Our dear computer screen. (obviously, LOL) Humm...the poor dear needs to be cleaned. :)
I feel: the breeze from that fan and from the open windows. And that fabulous feeling of well loved, broken in flip flops on my feetsies! One of the most wonderful inventions of all time in their greatest hour of comfort and glory!
OK-I'm gonna run!! Oodles of jolly stuff to do!
Have a beautiful day!
Adeline, for the Mortons
Wahl, not shore iffen ya care but I here the wind a howlin' through the sage and smell of the cows whom I wish was up wind of me. I can see them purple mountains in the distance and I feel a good and faithfull horse atween my legs and the feel of a good pare o' boots with California rowled spurs a jinglin'.
The Lord shore be good to a person don't he.
"Owyhee" Bill
Oh Adeline! You are going to have such a wonderful weekend! Please post as soon as you can so those of us who aren't there can see and hear all about it!
Hello Morton Ladies,
We are so sorry that we will not be able to join all of you this weekend. We know that we are going to be missing a very precious fun time. We must stay behind because there is one of our largest book sales this weekend where we purchase a lot of our books. We hope that another opportunity arises where we will get to visit will all of you. May God richly bless all of you!
Michele and Lauren
PS Thank you for your hospitality to Joseph.
Hope you are having a wonderful time at your style show and conference. Our family wanted to attend but couldn't work it out this year.
Girl, your joyful heart is a balm to the soul! Thank you for sharing!
Much love!
True to my heart!!!
What a sweet family. Thank you so much for all your hospitality.
Will you be posting any pictures from the fashion show? Living in the northern part of the country, there's no way I could be there, but I would love to see and hear about it!
Thanks -- Lisa up in ND
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