One of my 'bestest' friends.

Wrought iron fences and Dark green magnolia leaves just go together...

And....after we left there, we had one of the most amazing experiences our family has ever had.
Daddy had spotted a Morton, Georgia on the map, so we thought we would stop by and look around. When we arrived, there was only an old barn with a J. H. Morton's name on it.
...so, we got out, stretched and enjoyed the lovely evening. We had noticed a gentleman who was mowing around the old barn earlier and had driven over to his house across the street, so Daddy went over to introduce himself and to ask about the town.
OH my goodness-a quick breath-this is so amazing: all the way back to 800.
We are totally awed. My grandmother and Daddy, and really all of our family, have a love for genealogy, and Daddy has been able to trace us back to Ireland on one side, but that is as far as we have been able to go-and on Mama's side, too, Grand Mama traced her side all the way to England. So, our family is just ecstatic.
They were so hospitable and welcomed us into their home, where she pulled out a huge folder with pictures, stories, Bible records, quotes, and even the name to two or three books written by relations of ours about our family linage. We asked her questions for quite a while, and also enjoyed looking at her husband's amazing bottle collection. We are hoping to go see them and learn more about our family, maybe photo copy her scrapbook, and see if we can find those books.
Oh, and we are related to William the Conqueror. Have not studied him, but ...mmmmm :D And we have allot of French in us, too! (Rozenn, we could be related!! ;)
So. Praise the Lord. We are very thrilled.
He looks like a soldier from WWII. Wonderful boy.

And another wonderful young man!The gentleman and his collection! 'Twas amazing.
Awww...I thought this baby one was adorable.
Hearing about the people that we came from.
The Morton coat of arms. I can hardly wait to read more about it.
So, thus ends our incredible July vacation. What a blessing it has been, in so many huge ways.
Thank You, Lord!
Much love to you all,
Adeline Grace
That is so incredibly cool about your lineage. What a blessing to have met that couple. And what a bottle collection.
We pass a Wilson, North Carolina on our way to the mountains but never thought to stop and check it out.
Maybe next time we will.
Wow, what a very full summer you all have had and a new baby too. Lots of blessings your way. We have met the Kendalls- very sweet family.
Would that restaurant in middle Georgie be called The Blue Willow Inn? One of our favorites.
Thanks for sharing.
The photo of the lakelet and bridge looks just like a Monet painting!
What an amazing thing to meet kin and find out about your heritage all the way back to 800!
I love history and learning about our genealogy...
Blessings to you Addie and the whole family!
We are blessed to know you!
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