Then it was off to the barn for dance practice for the following night! The F. family was incredible-they organized, taught and called the dancing for the weekend. It was fabulous and just made it where everyone was able to enjoy themselves instead of trying to figure out what step to take next. :)
Well. Some of us still struggled with that point for a while. But at least we still had fun doing it! :D Practice makes perfect.

"Dey wouldn't wet me dancth. "
"So, I pwayed wif deys blocks. Thee how nice dey are?"
Notice the three awesome guys lined up in a row-Uncle Marc, Andrew and Z. It was a riot-frequent fits of laughter often cause loss of breath and highly increased fun.

Amy, you are such a joy!!

Hey John Man.

(your new scarf tie was awesome! Thanks for sharing it with me. :)

It was so nice having Matt and Jeff with us that weekend! So good seeing you all.

And here's the new couple!!
They are just too cute.
I love this little man!
Your Auntie misses you, Baby!
Joel and Enoch

Samuel, you were a great help with eating the oranges....
Oh. my. stars. I can see myself and several of my siblings in this picture. Do you ever come across a picture of one of your sibbies and you think, oh gracious, if you cover up his forehead and add hair that's _____! Or from the nose down he is totally _______! :D I love family resemblance.
I love these pictures...After dance practice was over, some of us gathered up and finished the decorating for the next day. LOL, it's so fun all getting ready for 'the party' together, when in reality doing that
is one of the best parts
of the party!

Spinning the oranges to ensure secure hanging.
Wouldn't want one of those citrus to fall on an unsuspecting personage gleaning beneath their fragrant shadows...that would have been rather funny, though! Oh, that's a terrible thought.
But wasn't this the funnest decor idea!? I just loved it. And they smelled so good.
Amanda did great on the cedar, too.

Here I am ribboning an orange. (See, there's Bekah's scarf tie! Isn't it nifty?)

Amanda and Rebekah
I loved the oranges and cloves hanging - I may have to use that idea over our dining table for the holidays this year.
That weekend was so much fun!
We had a blast visting and dancing!
Hope all is well.
Ps we had such a good time Wednesday.
Wow, what a lot of pictures! Thanks for posting them all!
I really love the picture with all the jeans hanging - that is really neat!
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