The most glorious of afternoons to you!
Ours is being one of those luscious, rainy, green spring days. I'm listening to 'old' songs while I blog-you know the ones that bring you right back to a certain time!? I love those! Music is so amazing how it does that. It's very special.
And here are some slightly older memories, that make their own music...I simply had to post them! Ah, the blessings of family, frappes and the great, blue ocean... :) 'Tis bliss!

Mama and Auntie

Michael Jr., Kress and fam came down for the day, too!
Aw. Aren't my big brothers cute!? :D
Marf and 'Lyssa


A sample of girlings

Aunt Lisa always looks so smooth in her shades.


Daddy admiring Uncle Frank's ceiling.
"Good afternoon, and welcome to Grilling and Chilling with Alyssa. As you can see, today I'm going to show you how to make delicious hamburgers and
how to look great doing it. My cute outfits always improve the flavor of my dishes, and the delicate way I hold the spatula and turn the meat keeps in the juices so as to increase the...
Dinner is served!


Happy, hard workin' Men

Another great shot...

Nick and Andrew took us on a wild ride in Nick's pickup. 'Twas thrilling!! ;P
Oh, dear. What large mouths we have.
Frankie takes Sam on a spin. ;D

Then all we ladies decided to go shopping!! When we had to jump start the van, I had to laugh and get a picture of all the distressed ladies gathered around the vehicles. Mariah got it running and we were off! :D

Frappes, anyone?

After our shopping, it was off to the water and sand and foam and shell place! It was one of the most beautiful afternoons I can remember, with golden afternoon sun, clean wind and big waves...the Lord was so sweet to give us such incredible weather!
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