Good afternoon, yon readerlings!
How are you? We miss all y'all so bad!
Oh mercy. It is COLD here. I am sitting here drinking some hot chocolate that Katie brought over in the cold for us, (what a dear!) and I'm listening to "The Hallelujah Chorus" (and learning how to spell "hallelujah" at the same time :D) Wow, that is such an incredible song! Praise God...
I can hear the clink of dishes (such little brothers have I!), smell the wonderful smell of soap (I just washed my hands with "Amazing Grace" soap and it is fabulous), and am wearing my favorite red coat. Bliss!
So: with out further verbiage, is our deluge of pictures from New Years!! Hope you enjoy them. The quantity and quality is sad, but the subjects delightful ;D so here they are, offered with a heart full of precious memories, missings, gratefulness, and a hug and a kiss from all we Mortons to all of you!
And so begins, the weekend!!! (you'd never know how excited we get as the time get closer...)
Our darling guests began arriving Wednesday a little after noon, and, as always, few pictures were taken, :) but, as always, good times were had in abundance. Here's a few of my favorite people in the world, gathered around one of my favorite places in the world, The Island. ("My island-hahaah!")
Some of the men helped Michael Jr. build on he and Kressy's house Thursday. Oh, I can hardly wait to show y'all more pictures from that! It is AWESOME!! We're so very excited about it.
And now, fast forward to Friday afternoon. A million last minute trips to town. Last minute hair do's and sewing, cooking and decorations. It's hilariously delightful, because allot of the folks coming to the party are there all weekend, so there's no stress to "have it ready" by a certain time-they help you do it! :) The Body of Christ is wonderful!! It's such a delight to be a part of.
Above, Andrew and Byron with a group of laughing observers gather as they head up making "Dorothy's Absence" (they were dears and were helping us with our hors d'oeuvre. They named it that themselves.)
Later at the ball, Edgar tasted one and, after a choking swallow, was like,
"Whew-stay away from those, Cleve."
"Edgar-we brought those."
Haha...that made us all roll when Cleve told us over supper a few nights later...
After being blessed by every one's introductions, (there were some incredible stories this year) book signing, munching, hugging and visiting was the order of the evening.
Mariah Campana stops for a moment above.
And, then, dancing afterwords!! I just love it. Oh, and this is one of my favorites from the weekend- (photogenically in need of help, but) Absolutely precious! Little girls are a delight.
Dr. Joseph Lister (they named the mouthwash after him) and Joshua Gianavel meet.
Uncle Marc and Byron visiting...
Tom and Emily! (Emily, that dress is a piece of art...)
Oh mercy. It is COLD here. I am sitting here drinking some hot chocolate that Katie brought over in the cold for us, (what a dear!) and I'm listening to "The Hallelujah Chorus" (and learning how to spell "hallelujah" at the same time :D) Wow, that is such an incredible song! Praise God...
I can hear the clink of dishes (such little brothers have I!), smell the wonderful smell of soap (I just washed my hands with "Amazing Grace" soap and it is fabulous), and am wearing my favorite red coat. Bliss!
So: with out further verbiage, is our deluge of pictures from New Years!! Hope you enjoy them. The quantity and quality is sad, but the subjects delightful ;D so here they are, offered with a heart full of precious memories, missings, gratefulness, and a hug and a kiss from all we Mortons to all of you!
And so begins, the weekend!!! (you'd never know how excited we get as the time get closer...)

Above, Andrew and Byron with a group of laughing observers gather as they head up making "Dorothy's Absence" (they were dears and were helping us with our hors d'oeuvre. They named it that themselves.)

"Whew-stay away from those, Cleve."
"Edgar-we brought those."
Haha...that made us all roll when Cleve told us over supper a few nights later...

Mariah Campana stops for a moment above.

Ooh! We so enjoyed looking through all of your photos. Thank you for posting, it took us back to a wonderful evening! :)
Hi Morton Ladies,
I just wanted to pass the word to you about an upcoming Mother/Daughter conference. I'm on the board of Southeastern Christian Home Discipleship Families. It is a group designed to bring encouragement to Christian homeschooling families in the southeast. We are sponsoring our annual Mother/Daughter Conference Feb. 25-26 in Newnan, GA. Our theme this year is "Godliness With Contentment is Great Gain." The speakers are Marilyn Boyer and her daughter Laura. Your friends the Sanders attended last year so you can ask them about it.
To register you can go to The price includes lunch, dinner and an afternoon tea. Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you know that might be interested in attending. Hope you all can come!
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