Sounding great on the banjo, JJ-and Stead Stir, I love your moustache.

The last few dedicated chatters snuggled down for a few hours of sleep at 6:00, and then it was (a gorgeous!!) morning very quickly...

Although the ball felt a little different (not necessarily better or worse-just different) then past years, the time of sweet fellowship with the Body of Christ, that excited silvery laughter-the delicious food, swirling skirts and clapping hands, prayers and-and that amazing feeling that you're standing on the very brink of a new year, will be oh so fondly remembered and cherished, 'till next year, when they will God willing, fill up our hearts again-only sweeter and richer as time draws us all closer together, and closer to One Who knows no time, and Who holds us all in the very palm of His hand...isn't that a beautiful knowledge?
And, to come, is the rest of the weekend...you know, "the rest of the weekend" is I think, my very favorite time at new years...just bein' together. Being exhausted together, laughing, talking, playing cards, cooking, cleaning up, telling stories, crying, singing, looking at sunsets, swinging on the porch-and eating piles of oranges.
1 comment:
Thank you for such beautiful posts of your ball...wonderful fellowship, Christ centered...what a joy to see!
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