...and in which we have one of the best times we've ever had, gathered around the table in the barn, laughing, singing...celebrating him and his life, and thanking the Lord Jesus for him.
Ah, how we love him!
How blessed we are to have him as our brother and son.
We love you, Cleve. So much.
Down the table.

To have Wesley and Uncle Frank both telling stories at the same table is one of the most glorious things in the world!!
(We were so thrilled the Campanas were up here that weekend!!)
"...and you know, this guy was over there doing this number..."
Crying-waving hilarious!!

Mama and Daughter-
Kress and Isa, we love you so! Oh, and check out Isa-, she sucks her thumb!! How dainty is that? Well, she's not actually doing it in this picture, LOL, but it is so so cute when she does...)

Carlo was in such suspense over this story. :)

Daddy's all-the-way-laugh -One of the most delightful sounds in the world!
It makes me grin just looking at this picture.

Marth and N.-precious sisters!

Reading birthday notes and opening some awesome, thoughtful
gifts. :)

And I shall end with one of my favorite pictures from the last few weeks.
*merriment and laughing* (More on this later)
Happy Birthday, dearest brother.
Love forever,
Adeline, for all of us
Do I feel another Morton wedding coming?
Happy Birthday to Cleve.
Love the photo of your Daddy laughing. We so appreciate him!
I recognize that young lady in the last picture. I look forward to hearing more on that picture.
Looks like he had a great day! Wish I could've made it down to see y'all. Oh, and that sure is a pretty girl in the last picture. ;) - Hunter
Anxiously awaiting more news on the *merriment and laughing* that's been going on. Cleve is looking rather joyful!
Happy birthday to Cleveland!
We're SOOO happy for y'all, praising the Lord! :-D Y'all look so good together.
Great post, Addie, you keep the blog up so well~ and so delightful!
God bless, and hope to see y'all very soon.
I can almost hear the laughter through that picture, what a treasure!
I love the bog long table with everyone around it, how blessed is your family! What great news for your brother as well!
Isa is so big, and just as darling! I can't believe I found your blog so long ago right before she & Mike were married and what a cute little family they have now!
Joe is so cute! I tried to leave Rachel a comment on her blog, but blogger won't let me. Do tell her I said I am so happy for her and will leave a comment once blogger straightens out!
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