Dearest Observer,
I now present to you a new look here on this mortonclan blog. Fresh picture, white background, delicious new( but not too different) font...
So. What ya' think?
Less trashy looking in the sidebar? Or does one feel lost? There is no little welcoming words or picture, or 'about us' up top. It's almost like not having a door mat. But I put all that goodie down at the bottom. And I seems like the words in the header should be bigger, maybe white...I think it's not quite singing. I'll see what my family thinks about it in the mornin'. Have you any thoughts?
Hehe, I know you have much more important things to do then evaluate blog templates, but would you be so gracious as to send a little feed back? Is it any easier to read/pictures clearer? Thanks, dearies!!
For the trouble of reading this wordy postage, I shall end with one of my very favorite pictures from this past month.

(I love you, Mama!!)
Goodnight, kind Observers. Ta-ta, toodles & a cheerio!!
Addie Grace
The design is nice but the font is a little harder to read :-/
OH I like it so much better. It always hurt my eyes to read it before with the dark background and white letters. It's nice and clean looking now.
Great job!
Have a great weekend.
Adeline! I am so happy to see a post from you!
I think the header is the verse and photo.
The post font is a tad harder to read, but I do like the white background with black lettering.
Love the photo of your beautiful mother - she's a wonderful example of a godly wife and mother.
Now are we going to have more posts? Pretty please?
I think it is a nice change. I would change the font color in the header though. Dark font on a semi dark background is difficult to read.
1. Love the verse, but think a family picture on top would be very nice.
2. The font is a little hard to read :)
3. Would love farm pictures.
4. Speaking of the farm, this curious reader respectfully requests a blog post about your farm and the activities there. Most of all, would like to know how and why the farm was named Calathora. Really like the name :)
I do find it easier to read, but would love to see the a "recent posts" sidebar, not just an archive down in the bottom. I also agree that its hard to read the words in the top header - black on dark back ground is harder to read.
Also, how does one subscribe to your blog? I'd like to be able to and to choose which email to send it to.
But it's lovely to read what you've all been up to!
Thanks so much for the encouragement and great feedback! More later.
I'm not going to analyze, but boy, I was surprised when I typed in the address! Had to double check it, you know. :)
I hope you Mortons are so, very well! That's a darling picture of your Mom! Such joy.
Y'all come see us sometime {& meet the baby while you're at it}!
~Jeri Beth
love it!:) i always enjoy reading your blog. love the new pic on top :)
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