Yes, another retro post. :) Still experiencing computer problems! But I'm loving all the memories so much...Last year we had the greatest joy and honor of spending Thanksgiving with our dear Uncle and Aunt at their home off the Georgia coast-Grand Daddy and Nana and our cousin C. and Michael and Kressant and their crew were able to make it, and we had a truly wonderful time. There is nothing better in the world, I think, then to be with your family!!
They had this awesome low country boil prepared for lunch, with tons of Auntie's super famous desserts, and then smores, that evening, and horse shoes, bikes, the creek...of course the best part of it all was sitting together and laughing and talking. To hear the sound of my Grand Daddys, Uncles, and Daddy's laughter together in a medley reigning supreme, with Mama's and Aunties joining in merrily, grandchildren howling, is a sound I've missed so much, and one that makes me want to cry for joy hearing it. I missed allot of other voices, but maybe they'll be able to be there next time. It was just a very special day for all of us.
(I love my sister Marfa!!!)
Ah, those are really beautiful words to be able to say...and to think-they all belong to Jesus and love each other-I'm so super blessed!! It was wonderful. We have so much to thank God for.
Thank You, Lord...
Love to all-and hope that you have a wonderful day.
Looks like y'all had a wonderful time! Your family inspires me so much...thanks for posting!
Loving these retro posts Adeline....
Beautiful place!
And, I know I have said this before, but I just love seeing pics of your mom. She radiates love and warmth. What a blessing that she has been able to share that with you all as an example for you!
Great post, Adeline! What a neat place. I LOVE the "Low Tide" photo...really striking!
Love, Katie
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