Dearest Observers!
How are you? See, we can get on the internet now. Hooray! And all the peoples rejoiced. (Alan is the sweetest brother in law to fix all of our junk for us!)
I hope you are well today, and feeling good and enjoying all this rain and mist and Ireland-feeling-ness. And I hope you are halfway through a quart jar of water and that you're going to drink another! And that you rejoice in the Lord today. Pray that I would. His mercy is so great that any other heart-attitude would be so great a tragedy. He is soo forgiving and loving, even when I fail. Praise His name! How good my Jesus is to me.
And now, on to posts. Life. 'Tis very much so in the past, but isn't everything? Our mother 'puter is still low in the dumps, so all the pictures I have are old ones that were in drafts. I feel like I'm digging through an old attic chest and smiling and laughing and crying when I find old stuff that's beautiful and brings back memories that are oh-so-good. So, as the technically challenged, tardy blogger often says, better is something old, then nothing new.
With love,
Adeline Grace
How are you? See, we can get on the internet now. Hooray! And all the peoples rejoiced. (Alan is the sweetest brother in law to fix all of our junk for us!)
I hope you are well today, and feeling good and enjoying all this rain and mist and Ireland-feeling-ness. And I hope you are halfway through a quart jar of water and that you're going to drink another! And that you rejoice in the Lord today. Pray that I would. His mercy is so great that any other heart-attitude would be so great a tragedy. He is soo forgiving and loving, even when I fail. Praise His name! How good my Jesus is to me.
With love,
Adeline Grace
Glad to see your are back up and running. Loved the Thanksgiving pictures. What a blessing to gather with loved ones and celebrate the Lord's goodness to us.
Welcome back!
You've been greatly missed!
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