I hope each of you are having a blessed evening. Just wanted to pop on and share a few pictures of our newest little grandson, Jonathan DeWet! Isn't he darling? The whole little Morton Jr. family is doing wonderful. Kressy is resting well, (many thanks to Bethy dear, who's down here helping Kressy-such a sweet sister she is...) the baby is eating good and Kressy says she thinks he will have a similar personality as Mickey III-bouncy, lively and loves to be awake and looking around! Michael Jr. is such a dear father and husband-he built, from scratch, a mini double bunk bed for Critter and Carlo on Monday, I believe, and even painted it all up, complete with diaper and toy storage on the side! Looks like something out of Martha Stewart. Oh, and the two aforementioned urchins are behaving beautifully, and just love Jonathan-whenever Carlos hears him crying, he gets so concerned. :) Such a good brother.
Oh, yes-and now, all of those guesses are as follows:
Rose R., in her 4 year old way, says that she thought it would be 'a boy-little.'
Campbell: 7 lbs 5 oz girl
Dorothy: 7 lbs 14 oz girl
Katie: 8 lb girl
Norma:8 lbs 2 oz girl
Martha:8 lbs 4 oz boy
Mrs. Conley: Girl
Brooke:8 lbs 8 oz boy
'Manda:7 lbs 5 oz girl
Aunt Jackie:7 lbs 10 oz
Mumsie dear:8 lbs, 8 oz
Me: 7 lbs 3 oz girl (well, I lost. Completely.)
Bethy:7 lbs 12 oz boy
Rach:8 lbs boy
Mrs. Kathy: 7 lbs 2 oz. and 21 inches.
Mrs. Rabe:8 lbs 3 oz. and 20 1/2 inches
Melanie: 8lbs
Mrs. Monica:8 lb. 9 oz
And: The Small One's poundage was:
8 pounds, 6 oz!!
That puts Mama, Brooke and Martha as our three winners, all tied at two oz. off-congratulations on your sizing eyes, my dears! The prize is a cappuccino when you come over next. :D Thanks for guessing, everybody.
Come back soon for a grand tale of the weekend, Lord willing with lots of pictures and, of course, verbage. :)
Well, I'd better skip-hop! God bless.
-Adeline, for the fam!

Aunt Martha's turn...

All of our mothers are heroines, y'all.
Goodnight, all!!
Hello dears!
Sorry mine is late, but my offical guess was boy, 8 lbs. Praise the Lord that he is doing well.
Love ya,
Congratulations dear Mortons and Smiths. Being South African, ' De Wet' is a lovely name, of Dutch Origin. It means 'The Law'.
Further, I went to school in the Free State (name was changed, the 'Orange' dropped.
Praise the Lord.
Miss N.N
South Africa
Celebrating with everyone. What beautiful heritage you have! Praise God!
Regina Graham
NW Pennsylvania
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