Daddy and Mama had been to Philadelphia a year or two ago and had really enjoyed their visit, so we thought it would be neat to tour that a little...
It was so cold we toured in a close knit huddle.
You did have to watch out for lamp posts and pedestrians, though. "Clear the street!"No, I'm kidding-here we are, reading the touring pamphlet.

Mama and Daddy stayed in this house when they were here last-they took us in for a little bit, and ah! I just love old homes!

Andrew, my man.

Walking along...


In front of Carpenter's Hall


Ah...I love Fall time!!

Dee and Paul 'side a fantastic gate.

Acorns, my boy.

And here is like, one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip!
Cleve, you're wonderful. Aren't those lanterns in the back ground delicious!??

And here we are at Independence Hall! Fabulous architecture, and so historically significant, but the tour guide was so humanistic, and the true story and it's Author were almost completely ignored. I almost cried. But we really enjoyed actually standing where our forefathers stood when they made such a significant and life changing decision.

See that chair, between the fireplaces? That was George Washington's! Just incredible...


Oh, y'all-I've got to tell you about this-such a neat tid-bit. We were all walking along, and this maintenance man that I had see working around all morning, was sweeping the side walk, where we were walking. All a sudden out of the blue he called out with a questioning look, "Hey, where y'all fro'?" Daddy told him that we were from Moultrie, Georgia.
"Get outta here!" (Some of the kids thought he was serious and starting moving away, LOL.) and then with a laugh, "Dat's Colquitt county country! man, 'dat's where I'm from! welcome to Philidephia!" We talked for a second, and then had to be on our way.
"Dar's no place like home..." he said as he went back to his sweeping. It was so comforting to have a little piece of home there, knowing his way around and keeping an eye on us tourists. He later saw us walking and stopped to give a piece of advice on a place to eat or something like that. So, we thought that was pretty special.

Oh, Daddy got all of us a authentic Philly cheese steak sandwiches-ah, they were delicious! He is so sweet. We stopped in a beautiful park and munched, and watched the dozens of little birds hop through the fallen leaves and chirp for bread crumbs.
Must have been good...
Edwin poses next to The Signer...

I thought this building was interesting...

Oh, and then we went back to Carpenter's Hall (it had opened up now) and that was really fascinating.

This was right above the threshold.

Ah, see? The leaves were just breathtaking. Here's Cleve on a leaf covered cobblestone street.

Oh, and here's another of my favorites from the week-dearest Martha!!

Such beautiful eyes God gave you, my dear!!
I was sorry to have a very nice entry with lovely pictures ruined by your use of racist dialect. I found this part of your blog very very offensive and it was disappointing because I expect better from your family.
We love the history in Philadelphia! We live about an hour and a half away! Too bad we didn't know you were coming!
My dear Ohioan,
First, I would like to thank you for your gracious concern.
In stead of hopping around on the branches, I would like to go to the root of your philosophical presuppositions, and mine.
Here goes: God made people different. He puts them in different parts of the world, and in different families, and everybody grows up with a unique fingerprint, color, accent, cultural habits, colloquialisms, etc.
There are two ways of approaching this:
Ignore people’s individuality, try to act like differences are not there, overlook them and get offended when others don’t.
Rejoice in them! Revel in God’s creativity-appreciate the different things various cultures can teach you. (Of course, making sure that all is in accordance with God’s Word.) Marvel at the diverse array of colors. Enjoy their accents! (Accents are awesome! They are so much a part of who you are!) Equality does not equal sameness.
I am not a racist, and my observation, enjoyment and telling of this man’s delightful accent was not a sign of disrespect, rather the opposite. I, for one, appreciate and enjoy the God given uniqueness of the individual.
God’s word is too clear, the battle too important, and the belief too askew to label those of us who do enjoy those differences, as people who are/being racist. We must remember (even in the face of Marxist, evolutionary propaganda that tries to tell us what racism is) the fact that all of us, of every color, from every nation and culture, are made in the image of Almighty God, and are all equally in need of His saving grace.
Thanks for the comment! If you have any other thoughts, please feel free to share them.
Love, Adeline
Hello, Mrs. Rabe! Aw, yes, it would have been so nice to have met up with y'all! Ah, well. Maybe soon. :) Katie has told us such wonderful things about you. May God bless each of you!
Love, Adeline, for all
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