
I loved this yellow color with the blue sky...

Mr. Mark stands beside the house where
General George Washington and the Comte de Rochambeau met to plan Yorktown. (?) 
Check out this vintage Land Rover! Cleve got this one for you, Wes 'n Rach.

Oh, they took us to this cliff walk, and ah!!! So exquisitely magnificent. One of the most beautiful places I have ever been to.

Matthew and Melanie on the rocks. (check out the moon behind them-so neat.)

Cleveland and a sailboat in the distance...

Oh, it was so agonizing-at one of the most stunning places ever, my battery went out. Ah. At least I got a few.

Then they took us to a redoubt. We climbed up and you could look out and see three cities stretched out before you. Aren't the bridge lights cool?

Kind Marscel carrying Paul Man down the hill...such cute buddies!
Go on to older posts for more...
Hello Mortons!
I have really enjoyed your blog ever since the Thomases introduced me to it :-) Looks like you had a wonderful time visiting them, great pictures! Aw you were in Philly? So close to us :( Come again and visit the Maira's, okay! :)
Hey, Tayla!
So glad you stopped in! :) Ah, it would have been so much fun to have met up with y'all in Philadelphia! Thanks for the invite. :) I enjoy your blog, aswell-(your sister's wedding was beautiful!) Hope to see you sometime soon! God bless,
Love, Adeline
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