Can you believe our Dorothy's wedding is in 26 days! 26! Wow. We are all super busy around our house, enjoying everyday we get to have Dee here, :) and having a ball planning the upcoming marriage ceremony, reception, and weekend that surrounds it.
I just wanted to testify of the Lord's goodness and graciousness to us-He has just blessed us with so many amazing, wonderful, generous and thoughtful friends...may He bless each of them for being used of Him to bless Dorothy and Noah and our two families in this special time. My heart is just so full. :D Praise the Lord!!
One day this past week, on a hot afternoon, all of us kids scraped up our spare change and hopped into the car and drove down to Mrs. Ophelia's and got drinks and some candy-ah, it was so nice to feel the wind, that smells like a summer afternoon, blow through the window, and see the huge oaks trees' shade cover you as you ride down the dirt road to the store...it was so good to see sweet Mrs. Ophelia, and the drinks were wonderful. :) Those spontaneous outings with your family are so much fun.

God bless your evening, dear reader! Pray for us when you think of us. :)
Much love from a very excited sister,
I can't wait to see photos of the wedding! I loved seeing Alan and Katie's and Mike and Kress, and Wesley and Rachel's.
It is such a blessing to see other families who are committed to honoring the Lord with their whole lives.
Awww, enjoy here while you still have her. I miss you and I hope to see you all before Dee leaves! Love to all!
How exciting!!!! I'll be praying for y'all as you prepare!
I am soooo excited for everyone. :)
Love to all!
Christ be with you,
Is the wedding date July 17th? That's the day of our 28th anniversary!! We are so excited for you.
God bless,
Mrs. Vawser
May i ask if you had a betrothal ceremony like you have done previously? Blessings!
Please post some pictures of the big event. She's going to make such a beautiful bride?
Are you all going to the NCFIC road trip?
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