Wedding plans are in full swing! I love weddings. 'Specially when it's in your own family. The bride's maids fabric came in today, and had been sent off to the four corners of the deep south for Dee's sweet friends and sisters to sew up in a jiffy. ;) (Right, girlies? LOL, So sorry it's been so long in coming-y'all are dear hearts.)
Ah-full week. Poor Mama got the worst tooth ache she's ever had, and it was excruciatingly painful for a day or two-then, Sam developed an in-grown toe nail, and then John Man got his finger sliced open with a pair of scissors. Eh. Thank the Lord everyone is feeling better, and are enjoying the use of their mouth, foot and hand once more.
I've been in the barn today, doing one of my very favorite things-getting ready for an event! And then this is our own precious sister's wedding, so it's tons more special. :) The joy of pulling out the white silk ribbon from the closet once more, tying new bows, arranging the seating, getting her ensemble prepared...ah, pure joy. I even subjected the Catling and her kitties to bows around the neck, in preparation for the big day. I shall expect them to behave properly with their wedding adornments considering the training they've received. :)
Ah...each wedding has been so precious, and I am looking forward so much to watching my sister covenant together with Noah before Almighty God and us, the witnesses. What an incredible, historical day is approaching. Sometimes in the midst of all the changes that take place when a sibling is preparing to leave and cling, all the planning for the day and the many adjustments of life in these seasons, I can loose sight of what a holy and incredible thing it is. Just thinking about it, I am in awe. Praise the Lord! Wow.
Once more, I am reminded how blessed I am as a sister...Cleve is incredible. The other night he came up with a plan to take us three girls out to the movies, and then for a treat! What a doll. We had such a special time together, and had a complete blast watching our first 3 D movie. He got us tons of popcorn and drinks, and we sat there in our awesome shades (haha) and laughed and thought and teared up and laughed some more, and had a blast taking pictures and swaying to the credit's music afterwords.

Well, a caving party is at this minute down in the depths of the earth! Sort of. :) Our own dear Dee and Cleve are among the adventurers, and a pile of friends and other family...Praying they have a fantastic and safe time down there!
OK-gotta run, munchies-audios, and have a fantastic day!!
para la familia del Morton!
Looks like fun! Making memories with siblings is so wondeful...
Aww, it looks like you all had a great time. I love going out with my brothers (and sisters!).
Love You!
great pics and shades;)-Kennie
What a beautiful testimony of faithful God-honoring sibling relationships. Enjoy these last days with your bride-to-be sister as she prepares for her future life. Many blessings.
How fun!!! I love weddings too. As a matter of fact Andy and I are filming 3 this year. Just one this past Saturday and the other two at the end of July. Even though I don't even know these people, it's still sweet.
I am so happy for Dorthy and Noah. Noah is gettin himself a jewel! I am so happy. I pray that the big day is perfect-for everyone.
I can only assume that y'all went to see Toy Story 3. We have seen it twice-once 3d and once the normal way. It was such a good movie...and yes, I cried in the movie. It was such a sweet ending to all the toys. And if y'all didn't see Toy Story 3....then
I miss you all you dear wonderful Morton family!
Love me,
Brittany Vawser
Had to come out of lurkdom to comment that your sibling bond is such an inspiration. What great friends you all appear to be! Good luck with all of the wedding prep. Oh, and that Cleve is certainly easy on the eyes :)
Wow, looks like such fun with siblings!
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