A few weeks back, Noah's sweet Grandmother and family gave Dorothy a beautiful kitchen shower up in the Atlanta area-we had an incredible time, and I've been looking forward to sharing this wonderful time with you all!! Here goes!

First, on the way up there, we stopped by our Aunt and Uncle's to see our newest cousin, little Luke-such a sweetie!

Mama and Auntie in his adorable nursery...Aunt C. was a dear and let us drop in on her-she refreshed us with drinks and delightful conversation- we had a great visit, and are looking forward to the next time we get to see them...they're so wonderful.

Friday night we stayed with the darling Smithies! We girls stayed up late eating chocolate and talking...I am blessed with some incredible sisters....here's our 2:00 am self portrait in the kitchen. :D

And here is the beautiful Guest of Honor and her lovely Mama, arrived at the beautiful shower and enjoying meeting new family members. :) It was so fun- I would be sitting in one room, and there would be these two relatives beside me, who were peering into the other room, watching her talk to somebody- "Oh, isn't she dahling?" one would whispered to the other. "Ah, yes, she's just beautiful! Such a sweetie..."
Such a precious new family.
And, of course, I concur with them.
She has blessed our family so! :D

I just wanted to say that Mrs. S., or Grandmother, :) is the quintessential southern hostess. She made us feel right at home, and the atmosphere was one of the most welcoming, delightful ones I've ever been privileged to enjoy! And everything was so beautiful, too-candles, flowers, and piles of delicious food. Dorothy has been been so blessed in joining this sweet, welcoming extended family! Praise the Lord.

Fruit. Ah.

And here are Dee's lovely dragonflies. :)

Aunt J. brings carrot cake.

Let the party begin!
Before we started, two of the ladies gave a devotional about being a wife that brought tears to our eyes. It was so encouraging, so precious. Thanking the Lord for all the wives and mothers He has placed in our lives.

LOL, the ohhs and ahhs were many and much. So many gorgeous and generous gifts. Dee's going to have so much fun setting up housekeeping with so many treasures!

Marth and Grace. :) Two cuties. They make me smile.

Abbi Dearest

It was so good to see Nana and Grand Daddy there. Here's Dee and our sweet Patriarch!

The dear Davis ladies (the third one is coming soon!) and Dorothy stop for a picture...

"Sisters, sister..."

Our photographer was so cute we all just had to get a picture of her getting a picture of us! Love it.
After all the scrumptious gifts were opened and amply ahh-ed over, visiting and more eating took place, and then we had to sadly part ways-the time just went to quickly! But so wonderfully.
After reluctant goodbyes (we miss those Sanders ladies!) we loaded back up in "The Beast" with the Smithies, and on the way back to their house to retrieve our luggage, we stopped at thrift stores all the way home. So conveniently located. ;)

Mama dear does wedding research while traveling in the Smith's incredible bus. "The Beast" is wonderful.

Thrift Store shopping is only an excuse to stop by our ever faithful Krispy Kream. Bliss.
We enjoyed our weekend so much. Thanks to everyone for their hospitality! Dorothy (and us) have been so blessed.
Have a wonderful morning, y'all.
How special for Noah's extended family to welcome Dorothy into the family...
How fun! It looks like you all had a lovely time.
I loved all the pictures...
Oh Aunt Leslie is soooo cute!! I love her:)
What a testimony of God's faithfullness to have such a wonderful extended family praying and celebrating your way into marriage!! What a treasure!! Thank-you for sharing it with us!
What a lovely shower. I know some of your new extended family. They are very sweet people.
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