And how perfectly wonderful it was to spend a whole weekend with him and Martha at the beautiful gardens at Callaway, enjoying all the wonderful things the incredible folks at Vision Forum have prepared for everyone! Hilarious games, picnics, inspiring talks, a Victorian high tea, a whole afternoon to just be together and enjoy butterflies and talking, and then some more entertaining games Saturday night...This was one of the most wonderful events ever, I think, and we were all truly blessed by our time. May the Lord richly bless the anonymous person who sent us to this event. Our hearts are full of gratefulness to the Lord for you being used by Him to encourage us. He is good!
And now, loveliest observers, I give thee, an host of pictures...
We got to ride up with the dear Davis family!! Needless to say, that was lots of fun. :) Here's Uncle, 'Manda and the girls approaching us on the Grand Lawn Friday afternoon during the games. (He was coming to claim the jump rope. ;)
Amanda, Elizabeth and Joanna...three precious sisters!
Mr. Doug giving everybody instructions. (It was a gorgeous day!)

Tall Blue Eyed Blondes need an occasional doozy published... ;)
Our beloved Daddy (he is an excellent picnic-er!)
Inside at the ice cream social, we get to talk with the wonderful W.s!! They are SO much fun to talk to.
And see? This is our little room, and it was so nice and clean! And they even had fresh flowers beside the sink. I thought that was just too sweet.

That next morning we enjoyed listening to the Botkin sisters....

...Mr. Scott Brown, and Mr. Botkin....what an encouragement their talks were! They spoke on particular aspects, as opposed to a big overview of the father/daughter relationship. I really enjoyed that aspect of this retreat. You might want to order the recordings...each sessions was filled with such meaty goodness, and made one want to go home and get to work/work more diligently on some things. It was just wonderful.

Oh, I pray that one day Tim and our girls can go!
Loved seeing you too!!!
Give our love to your wonderful family,
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