The tea is one of the most enjoyable things of the weekend. I just love watching all the daddies and daughters dressed up in their finery, around a large white table piled high with dainties, the daddies looking like big teddie bears perched on little chairs, the tea cups darlingly out of place in their big hands, with their little girls looking like pink cheeked china dolls, smiling and in quiet awe of the splendid spread, all of it looking a bit like a scene from a child's play room...I just love it to pieces! (of course we all warmed up and talked and had a blast, and we all forgot the last piece left on the plate rule, and laughingly ate up every last piece of food. :D Heaven knows why Victorian people were so short and died at sixty, LOL....)
I just love, love this shot...they were laughing so hard when I asked to get their picture!! We had the most wonderful waiters and waitresses. Callaway seems to do things so nicely.
Our sweet tea companions across the table...
....and to our right. It was such a pleasure meeting you all!
Martha with her lovely flowers.
Some dear folks from way up North in Alaska!

This is how Martha met her. She walked right up and introduced herself.
"Hello, I'm -----."
"Hi, my name is Martha."
"My father is 15, and my mother is 30."
"There is two sisters and four brothers." in her squeaky yet distinct tone.
"Ah, so that makes seven of you, then?" Marth ventured.
"No. Ten. Because there's a grandma. I like to play hide and seek."
"Oh, that sounds fun. (seeing the session was starting Martha bid farewell with,)
Well, I'll see you later!"
"OK. We'll play hide and seek later!"
Needless to say, I had to meet the child, so the next day Martha and I got to talk to her some more in the line to get our portraits taken...We were both delighted and impressed by our conversation with her...and we laughed allot. :)
1 comment:
Dear Adeline,
I just loved looking through all your pictures!! It made me wish even more that I was there with my Daddy and sisters!! Oh well... perhaps next year. :)
We really love your blog and love staying up to date with the Morton Family Going Ons.
May the Lord continue to bless you all!
~Shiloh for the Strang Family
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