Beautiful, beautiful baby girl to Michael Jr. and Kressant.
Blessed be the name of the Lord! What a sweet, soft, cuddly bundle of precious pinkness this baby girl is!
They are going to call her Isa (prenounced e-sah) when they need to shorten it. (a middle name is yet to be annouced) She weighted in at 8 lbs and 1 little ounce! Little Isa is such a joy, and is so lady like and cute. We can hardly stand it!! Isn't she beautiful!? (But with such lovely Great-Grandmothers, we are not surprised !! Three cheers for Nana and Nanny and Super Grand Daddy and GrandPa Charles!! Love you all!) She's always moving her mouth (I think we've got another bubbly girl around here, LOL!) and has blue eyes (as of right now) with soft brownish blonde hair, and the prefect cheeks for kissing!! :) We woves hers so, so much... We're so happy and thankful for this new niece and grand daughter.
Kressy is doing well, and we are all so proud of her. Two weeks over, about a 14 hour labor and a fluffy baby!! What an incredible woman she is. (I can't wait to do a family photo shoot with the New Addition! :)
Horray for Kressy Belle and Michael Jr.!! 

"Look at her eyes..." (LOL, for you Beth, from Emma!;)
I've got pictures and fun stuff, so hopefully I'll see you tomorrow! Aunt Jackie, Maud, Sitara and Gavido are here, and we are loving it so! She makes me laugh... We miss Bethy and the rest of you Smithies so bad! Looking forward to when y'all can come down...
We is all 'ti-red' (as Caleb D. would say, LOL) so I shall hop to bed! It's been a beautiful day! Tomorrow is our Baby's-here-party for her!!
I shall dedicate an M&M to each of you. :)
I love you all! Thanks so much for all of your prayers for Michael, Kressant and their little family. They are such a blessing. They truly are a gift, as a mother brings a baby into this world.
Love a happy, overjoyed and thoroughy smitten,
Aunt Adeline, for all of us
P.S. I love you, Isabella! So much. God bless you richly all your days, and may He cause you to seek Him early. Love forever, Aunt Poogie
Auntie Manda is totally smitten. She is even more beautiful than yesterday. What a blessing. Oh, we shall have such wonderful stories to tell her of God's providence, when she grows up.
Ps. Caleb is quite excited about being quoted on the blog.LOL
She is so beautiful! Thank for posting the pictures. Congratulations to all!!
The Hopes
Oh My gosh how precious she is!!! Makes me so excited about our baby thats due in just a few short weeks! Hug her and kiss her for me as Idaho is a ways a way from my home!
I miss you all!
Love me,
Oh she is beautiful!!! Little girls are just so precious!!!
Love the name! We thought of naming Gabrielle that. It is such a pretty name!!!
Oh my, is she ever beautiful! What a special blessing for your family.
Awww, Isa, you're SO GORGEOUS!!! Thank you so much for posting Poog! She has beautiful little lips, looks kinda like Kressy to me! and the eyes :) They look as if they might turn brown! I bet Esther is excited to have another little girl around!
"Feel her paws" :) LOL! I can't wait to see y'all this weekend, we shall have to more M&M's when I come!
Give Isa lots of huggsies and kisses for me!
love y'all!
How wonderful!!!! She is darling and so, so sweet!
Love her name too. =)
Isabella! What a beautiful darling girl! How wonderful for Esther to have a girlie cousin!
Congratulations to you all!
What a precious little Blessing!
We are so excited!!!
She is Adorable.
Can't wait to see her!
Adeline, Wait till you see the outfit we got her! :)
Much Love,
The Campana's
So precious! What a blessing!!
I am glad Kressant is doing well. I had one who was "overdue" and that can be so frustrating, but oh so worth it when they get here!
What a blessing for you all to be around and pitch in to help! The Lord is good indeed!
Awe, she's beautiful! Thank you for sharing pictures of her Adeline!
Praise the Lord! She is so precious!!!! Beautiful girl! Congrats to all!
Love to you all!
B Family
Oh, how precious!!! Absolutely Gorgeous!!!!
I love her name.
God bless you all (give Kressant and her new little one a hug for me. :)
Savannah (for the rest of the Cochran's)
What a delight to finally SEE this precious new little girl in all her glory! :) I am so thankful for these ol'computers that can keep us in touch with our beloved long distant friends!!! Congratulations to everyone and God bless ya'll!
Love in Christ Jesus, Emily :)
Ps. An extra special thanks for the delightful pictures!
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