Oh, y'all, isn't she a cutie pie!!? Check out those cheeks!! Sooo perfect for lots 'o 'tisses! (She looks like a little bunny in this picture. :D )
Awww, I love her so! She and her Mama and family are doing wonderful and she's eating good and is just so darling! Three cheers for Katie dear!!
Anna is a fluffy Munchie at 7 lbs and 12 oz--hehe, just the perfect holding size. :D
Dear Father, please bless little Anna Grace, and help her to seek You early. Thank you for her life. In Jesus name, amen...
Lots of love,
Aunt Poog
Praise the Lord,we are so excited!!!!
Can't wait to meet her.
Love you all soo much!
The Campanas
She is so beautiful. Your family must be so thrilled. Thanks for sharing a picture of this cutie pie and the other ladies in her family.
Deanna for us all....
Oh, so precious! Many congratulations to Alan and Katie and all your family. Children are indeed such a wonderful blessing from the Lord.
With love from
Rob and Michelle
What a sweet picture! New mommies are beautiful:). Praise the Lord for the blessing of children!
Congratulations - how exciting!!! :)
Katie looks so good and Anna is so precious. How could I leave Esther out though - she is getting so big and is adorable too!
Please give my love and congratulations to Alan, Katie, and all!!
Rejoicing with you...
Savannah (for all the rest! :)
Wish we could see her in person. She is a darling! Congratulations to Alan and Katie! Much love from the Decker family. :)
Trop mignon !
Félicitations et que Dieu les bénisse.
Three lovely ladies!
So beautiful!
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