After we left the coffee shop, we went back home where the K. family had planned and were preparing a special engagement dinner-the sun was going down, the hanging of Japanese lanterns was going on, (with much laughing) and you could smell the grill going...

Mr. K., grilling the best steaks
And there's Daddy back there gettin' some lovin's from Enoch.

Oh, and a flash back to Friday-here we are, touring Cleve and Lise's apartment. Notice the hole for the dishwasher.

It was such a blessing to have Chandler down!! We just love him. Here he is, riding The Beast with success! He and Pren were both so fearless with those animals. Love you both so much!

And here is Enoch with a very very special Auntie.

Lise dear trying out...

....their newly acquired Chair.
With a capitol C, baby! That thing is massive! And super comfy!! I think it'll look so fabulous in their new home.

And...another favorite shot from the weekend-some of our little brothers and their wonderful buddies.
Love all those boys..."Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quite ye like men, be strong."-1 Cor. 16, 13
"Wittle Wiwi Cakes!! I wove wou baby. And you's twactor! Yes I do. Yes I do!"

Mike Jr. and Noah tour Michael and Kressant's garden and house site.

Our precious Rach and Kress...

....hanging the lanterns!

Martha having some Auntie time with Isabella.

Kressant Amanda!! Her name means "luna" (or moon).
Thank you, dear sister, for reflecting the light of the Son. You bring such joy and brightness to our family! 
Prentiss and Chandler.
(or I could say "Pren-Pren and Chan-Chan!!" in a high pitched, exaggerated Chinese accent to be amusing, but I will refrain, as it would be highly corney.) Are they not a handsome pair?
Only a few weeks left 'till the big day!!! Yahoo!!

Hunter, you make us smile!!

As does this Muchkin. Gracious. This child has more personality than-than anybody I've ever met. He makes us laugh all the time. The other day Marth was baby sitting him while M&K were on a date, and Marth was asking him something about an orange.
"It's not Arrrr-ange." he said, exaggerating our Morton accent. "It's Orr-ange. :D
I love you, Critter!
Was so good to see everyone again.
SIGH, we miss you all so very much!
We love you
We are so happy for them. Its a wonderful thing.
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