Some more pictures of friends and family at the Grassroots Coffee celebration - Isa being held by dear Mrs. K- look, Isa is sucking her thumb!!
Aunt Lisa, you're looking so regal back there! Elegance...

I think this has got to be my favorite picture of The Couple from the day.
"You see that child over there? Gorging on lemon squares? And now they're all gone and I only got 6..."
"Awww" (and all the people echoed awwww!) :D Cuties.

Marty, you are such an incredible big sister-it's beautiful to watch you! God bless you, dear friend.

My two Talented Brothers-in-law blessed us with live music during the celebration! Marie's Wedding was my favorite. It's been one of my "When Cleve gets married!" songs and it was so wonderful to hear it at his actual engagement party. Can you believe he's engaged!!?? Praise God!! :D
And I think it's very hilarious and cool that my two brothers-in-law are so. so. similar. Look!! Aren't they cute!? They even have almost the same kind of hat. :D We're so blessed.

Beautiful Mrs. Christine!! I just love this picture. (And she's wearing her amazing colors. I'm wearing mine! :D)



Cute Mommie!!

Mother dearest, and me, feeding little Jonathan some sort of highly caffeinated treatling, I'm sure... :)

Daddy dear, with the love of his life in the background! Ah, beautiful picture...
"I have need of every ounce of this energy drink for tonight's dinner. Lest I become weary, and slumber amidst the festivities!! *insert Rhino the Hampster's excited laugh
* Let it begin! Let it begin! Ahaha!"

Those coffee bags full 'o beanlings made the greatest seats!
Above, a fine assortment of brothers chit chat on an unknown subject. Ben looks enthralled. (LOL)

Enoch was "quite the most popular bachelor in London"!
Aww...and look at his little paws, the way they fold like that! That's our oldest grandchild and our youngest. So sweet.
"Larry. Larry, who moved my chair?" ;D

Sweet girlies on the bean bags!
Missin' Bella Boo in this picture, though...
really liked the coffee.
Our group from the back of the shop...we had such a wonderful time together, and we all were so grateful to those from our Church family and other dear friends who came to celebrate and rejoice with Cleve and Lise and our families!!! It was truly one of the most special times in my life. The rich smell of fine coffees, the laughter and voices of people you love, and sound of frolicking violins...and then looking through the happy jumble to see your brother and his fiancée smiling at each other...That is wonderful.
Part 2 to come!
1 comment:
That's so neat that your entire church family was involved!! :)
Congratulations to your family from the Strang Family.
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