Good morning, dearest reader!! How are you?
Can you believe the Big Day is only 12 days away!!!? Cleve will be a married man in only 12 days!!!! :D We are so, so, excited for him and precious Lise!!
I thought the rose in the front yard looked so wedding-ish, so I'm posting it here in their honor, along with the biggest hooray in the world for one of the best big brothers in it and his beautiful bride-to-be!
Here's a little taste of life here at Calathora of late...wedding deliciousness, of course-just being together...doggies, measuring for tuxes, all the beautiful wedding related invitations...so many amazing things happening when the wedding of a beloved sibling approaches...all the laughter, anticipation, tears, struggles, almost uncontainable joy...a wedding is such a glorious event. Praise the Lord.

And here's The Couple!!

(I just adore her look-so precious!)

They were examining a la creepy fruit they found in the pasture...any one know what this is?
Movie still, my dear!!! (It's hard to take a bad picture of these two)

The mist rising up off the field one morning...Lise, you'll have an incredible view of the sunrises/sets from your and Cleveland's apartment deck!! :D We can hardly wait to have you down here in our family!!!

Ah, roses....

GrandMama sure did pick some amazing varieties when she planted her rose garden. Ah, how I miss her.
I always really miss her and Little Timothy allot when ever the Big Things happen in life and you want to celebrate with them. How I love them...it'll be so amazing to see them again...God is good...
Another rose shot...

What's been on our background lately. Cuties.

Here's Edwin Man and our new dog! He was THE darlingest stray, and we all loved him, but he ran off the next day. We sorta miss him, and are praying that maybe he'll come back...we'll see.

Aww, we even named him.
This 'ole farm needs A Beast terribly!

Cleve's been doing an amazing job of preparing a place for his bethrothed...looking great, brother!! Observe their beautiful dishes in the cabinet!

Superwoman returns!!! ;D
Dearest S. K. and her family came to Katie's to assist her after she had Anna for the day, and I got to spend a little time with her, Z. and little T! And of course Wally Bear! Their whole family is such a blessing.
We all love you, S. You are such a blessing. And Wally and T. are smitten.
The sunset one evening was so brilliant it almost took your breath away! This picture does not do it justice-they always look more splendid in real life. :)

Chattin' with the neighbors!
Who also happens to be your dear brother in law. :D
And isn't the moon above pretty?

Mike and Kressy's house is coming along! It's so exciting watching it come together.

Me, Marth and some of the "little" boys scraped up some change one day, splurged on pizza and then went to the park and had the biggest time together! I love an afternoon of just talking, eating, and playing with your siblings.

The cotton is so pretty this time of year. We stopped on the side of the road and got a self portrait. Try #1...

...and #2! :D
Ah, few things are better then the feel of a dirt road under bare feet and cotton and blue sky! And pine trees!
Mike you're too cute!!! :D
I just love all eight of my boys!! He and Mama are seen here, measuring for wedding tuxes! Mama is amazing and got them all off ebay, along with some awesome vests that came all the way from Merry Olde England! :D The guys look smashing.

Paul's GI Joe set up. Looks so cool, buddy!

Love Sam's smile here!

The Wedding Board, on which goes all things wedding-ish!

The invitation was gorgeous, Kendalls!! This will be the first double wedding I've ever been to. :)

The exquisite invitation to the bride's maids luncheon. The black and white velum with ribbon was absolutely stunning, I thought. What delightful things to look forward to!
Well, we're off to do some shopping! Goodie!! :D
Have a beautiful Monday.
Love y'all!!
Adeline Grace
Adeline, that was a BEAUTIFUL post! Thanks for keeping your blog-readers up to date in this busy and happy time! We enjoy your lovely pictures and captions so much. Our very best wishes to Cleveland and Lise. Kathy and Katie for all.
How exciting for you all! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
What a happy, happy time in your family - precious new babies and the wedding of a lovely couple. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.
As always, we love your delightful posts, Addie!
Thank you for always blogging so faithfully, even amidst the rush of excitement and busyness.
Love you so much. May God continue to pour out His rich rewards on your dear family for generations to come.
amazing how fast you guys were able to pull this together! Congrats to the happy couple
I love seeing what y'all have been up too!! Can't wait to see y'all at the wedding. Tell everyone we say hi at thanksgiving!! Much Love, Grace
A double wedding will be so special!
Your photos are beautiful Adeline - thanks for posting the updates. We love seeing how you're all preparing for the wedding - can't wait to see those vests!
A blessed Thanksgiving to you all!
Does Katie live near y'all now? I get a little confused about who goes where.
I LOVE the bridesmaid invitation. Are they a musical family?
-Mrs. Penny
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