Isn't the Lord so very good!? Isn't she just adorable!? Oh, my gracious.
I love her. She is such a gift, this little girl.
Please bless her life, Father! Draw her close to Yourself, in Christ's name I ask this of You...Thank You...

Me and Marth got to stay the rest of the weekend (Mama and Daddy were so sweet to let us stay over!) We had such a blast being with our dear Smithies! And I can hardly believe I didn't get any pictures of everybody while we were all there together, but...anyway, here's a few pictures from Sunday after Church meeting.

Oh, and Saturday night, Marth, Bethy and I, with dear Armand as our gallant escort, went to go see Courageous!! Marth and I had seen it before, but it was Beth's first time watching it, but we all three bawled the whole way through the movie.
What an incredible film.
We stuffed ourselves with popcorn and yummies, and cried and laughed and got some pictures out front for memories! When we got home, we made some more popcorn and watched another movie with Maud, stayed up later and laughed some more!! Ah, but mostly just enjoying being together. What precious memories we made that weekend.
To be with the darling Smithtons for a whole weekend, enjoying a new grandbaby together, staying up late with our dearest, wonderful sister Bethy-talking, laughing, eating lots of chocolate, of course, :D going shopping with Daddy and Mama (yayy!!) and just fellow shipping with them...the Lord is good!

Adeline Grace Morton
What a sweet baby! Katie does look wonderful, so peaceful!
I love that movie too, I cried so many times! It is a great movie though, and one I believe we will buy when it comes out on DVD!
Congratulations!! Lots of babies being born into your family. What a great blessing.
Those are wonderful photos of Alan, Katie and baby Anna Grace!
It's a blessing to spend time with dear friends that are like family, or are family! :)
Blessings to you all
Deanna for us all!
Oh my isn't she just gorgeous...both Anna Grace and Katie! Lovely photos Adeline! You do such a great job.
Oh, how we miss you all. Love to all,
Jessica for the Deckers
Congratulations to Alan and Katie!
...And you three girls looked so cute and wintery in front of the theater!
Katie S.
Wonderful post, Adeline!
Beautiful photos, beautiful families!
Love to you all!
Mrs. Beth
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