Monday, November 7, 2011

Better Together

This is the Lord' doing, and it is so, so marvelous in our eyes!! To see them laughing together......sitting on random benches just to sit... ;) lookin' at each other...
...being excited together...
...painting their new future home...

(Oh, y'all, their colors are awesome!! They did so good!)
...just deciding what in the worl' to order...

(as you can see, the menu isn't getting very much attention) :D
...and above, looking glamorous together...

(These two are the most gor-ge-ous-est together ever!! )
...wearing his shoes......him looking like his uncle and her like her mama......having photo shoots (of the other one)......eating oreos (the best cookie in the world!) with their little brother...
...meeting Mr. Truett Cathy one day while out to eat...
...visiting an aquarium together and seeing a million fish......having a "serious crush on Cleve!!"... (LOL)
...and just going to town together and looking around!! It's so much better when you're with the person that you love...

And it's so, so beautiful to watch them.
Together-ness is beautiful.
Love is beautiful.

Thank You, Lord...


Anonymous said...

What a very nice looking couple. Can't wait to see the cute kids they are going to have. Was that the Aquarium up here in Atlanta?


Dakota said...

Wow!!! What an awesome couple. God has certainly picked Cleve and Lise to be together....I wish we could go to the wedding :( We have been missing you guys....keep posting!


Mortonclan said...

The Aquarium was in Atlanta yes ma'am.

Tom m

The McArthur Family said...

Enjoyed these photos so much! Thank you for posting!
So excited about the wedding and encouraging Cleve and Lise Marie in their new life together . . .


OurLilFullFam said...

So sweet!


The Campana Family said...

Aww! Great pictures, they are such a fun couple! Can't wait to see you all!!!

The Seven C's

Danny and Bethany Lane said...

Oh my! They are the cutest couple ever! Can't wait to see y'all on thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

They are the cutest couple I have see this year!!lol