After the two pairs of turtle doves flew off on their wedding trips, we all stayed there for a while and enjoyed fellowship with some of the wonderful saints assembled...

Mine Mama


Looking forward to their own date, no doubt. (aren't they



Campbell (Oh, joy-it just makes me smile because Campbell and Joel look so much like siblings...how neat is that! So good to have all of them there...)



Another newly wed couple that is totally cute, themselves. :)

Gray, honey, you look like a celebrity.

A dear, dear 'sister' and the maid of honor...
You're wonderful, Christiana!! We love you!
I love watching my parents speak with people.
Weddings often make you think about weddings that have already happened and how grateful you are for them.
With one of my very dearest and best friends in this whole wide world...


Hunter and Colin

Ethan shows us brace-less-ness.
What fine chompers, my dear boy!
Adeline (that's moi). Oh, our brothers are the sweetest-it was quite chilly so they all gave us their coats. They are just darling, each of them.

Abbi O!




Andrew (love this story-telling shot!)

'Aunt' Jan

Cleveland and Lise Marie's mothers are so beautiful! Look, isn't it neat how they almost matched!?

Such a precious and lovely woman I have for a mother!

Martha Harriet
This picture makes me smile, dear sister!
And...sister mine once more in my favorite portrait from the weekend!

Couldn't decide which I liked better, so I'm posting all of them!
Martha, you are a jewel and we all love you so...And, so ends the day our William Cleveland got married to the love of his life. What a day it has been!! More wonderful times came that night, gathered in the Kendall home, munching on cake and leftovers, thinking, talking, laughing. And then tomorrow on Sunday we had the meeting that morning, then ate a huge lunch together, and afterwards attended a mini seminar by Mr. Botkin in the afternoon -the entire day was a great blessing and we made it home that evening, safe, sound and very grateful.
Hooray!! Blessed be the name of the Lord. He is a good God.
Love you all,
p.s. For more pictures, go to:
Wow! What a beautiful day indeed!
I so love pics of your mama! She just radiates calmness and sweetness and everything a mama should!
What a beautiful time with people who mean so much!
You've done a magnificent job sharing the wedding with us...
You girls were just beautiful, and they boys so handsome.
Blessings to you all!
Deanna for all of us.
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! A post about the weddings!!! Thank you so much for posting. They are great!!!
I agree with Stephanie. Your mama is quite a beauty. It's easy to see where you girls get your good looks from.
Absolutely stunning wedding photos. My husband walked past as I was looking at them and said "They are really great photographers." He manages artists and writers so he knows good photography when he sees it.
God is so good to us! Loved the post, Adeline! Congrats to your family!
WOW! What a post! Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos and emotions of the day, Adeline...it was all very lovely.
love, katie
p.s. Martha looks beautiful in her portrait!
(and i love Andrew's story-telling face :-D)
Can't remember how I found the chronicles of the Morton Clan, but I'm so glad I did. Many congratulations to the newlyweds and best wishes to the whole clan for a happy, healthy 2012!
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