We're off!! Hooray!!! Daddy dearest is driving, 'a course, and we're stuffed to the ge-ills with luggage and other junk!! (Hope we haven't forgotten anything...you know that sinking feeling as you pull out of the driveway on the way to a special occasion, and you feel as if you've forgotten something? Huhhh...well, we've got enough junk to live comfortably for several years in here, so we should be fine! :))

Abbi dearest just called, and I had the most fabulous time talking with her! She is such a precious friend and 'sister'...I can hardly wait to see all our people at the wedding this weekend.
Ah. well, almost all of them. Everybody's missing the D.'s real bad.
Anyway, our trip went great, and we arrived at the dear Kendall home just in time to eat pizza! :D And we got to meet some of their married siblings for the first time, so that was very special.
There are buckets of beautiful white roses and such on the porch. Greenery is in piles here and there. Grandchildren are everywhere, in glorious joy! People are scurrying here and there, with boxes of stuff to take to the church building. Introductions are being made, programs folded- it is so precious to see Cleve and Lise together, after having not seen one another for a month. ;D They're pretty happy about it too.

Above is, me, trying to look like I know what I'm doing. As you can see, I'm trying to explain the beauty of my creation. Pren isn't convinced.
"Notice the chic yet simple cluster at the top. No frills. The palm tree look? Maybe I should go with some ceder?"

That evening we joined the dearest Campana family at their cabin to celebrate Sam's birthday and fellowship and stay the night! What a blessing they are.

Ah, we had such a fabulous time together. There is something wonderful about cabins and mountains and big fireplaces and friends, all together.

We love you, Sam. You are such a blessing to us. May God richly, richly bless you as you continue to serve Him with all that you are.
(sorry about the odd assortment of candles, darling.)
Happy Birthday.
And goodnight! I'm curling up in the loft with the girlies, having just come up from sitting by the fire for a little bit by myself. It's so good to sit by the fire alone for a little, with the Lord, Who is always with us.
Tomorrow is Friday! Friday. Ah.
Can't wait to see more!
Happy birthday to Sam! They are growing up fine, aren't they.
Lovely times!
Happy late birthday Sam!
We sure did miss being there, but we are loving your posts and narration!
Love you all,
Jessica..... for the rest of the clan
Great photos. It looks like lots of work and love went into this wedding.
Addie, you always do such a good job keeping up with ya'll's blog. All your post are always so interesting, and hilarious too. ;-) I love your posts!
And thanks SO much for doing a blog-journal of the wedding. It sure helps us, especially since we couldn't be there. :-( We were SOOO horribly sad to miss the weddings, (but God had another plan), it looked so BEAUTIFUL though from pictures. What God-glorifying weddings. We're SO happy for both of the couples.
We love y'all, and hope to see y'all soon!
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