Friday, December 2, 2011-in the evening...

Here we are Friday afternoon, trying to get some of the rehearsal dinner set up before our rehearsal starts, after which dear Mrs. A. will take over. (the A. family has been such a delight to work with.)

Uncle Frank has a hidden prowess with arranging cedar boughs.
Poor Ashburn has a known prowess for carrying cedar boughs.
Dear guys, all of them-they all caught on to fancy napkin folding and utensil placement right on and were invaluable.

In the sanctuary, the first wedding finishes up their rehearsal...

Nana and Grand Daddy are here!!!

Cleveland and Lise Marie's rehearsal starts!

Wes and I practicing processing. (
I just love all my brothers! *sigh* Check out his awesome sweater, by the way-great job, Rach!!)
Willie, one of Cleve's awesome ushers!

Dorothy and Sam going down...

All the Groom's Men

Another shot...

Gray is such a joyful young man. I love the way he's always smiling.

"Yes you are-a! Yeeesss...."
Enoch gets re-aquainted with Aunt Peach.

Mike and Marth!
I was so tickled how the look alikes in our family ending up walking down together- and see, they're both even wearing blue! How cute is that?

Mr. Kendall Sr. is always a joy of be with.

And, here are the Bridegroom's parents at the rehearsal dinner!
(Notice Daddy's pen. I love the way he always has a pen with him. So prepared. So astute. Also mom's shawl. Notice two toned accessory. Notice gold sheen in shawl matches husband's gold shirt. No planning. Comes naturally. Notice nonchalantly unbuttoned tweed coat.
Notice them being fully awesome!! :) Yay for King and Queen! )

And...notice this perfect mint chocolate chip cup cake with delicate chocolate shavings.
This would be perfection if you liked mint chocolate chip.
I prefer the cheese cake with strawberries in back ground. It has more calories (always a plus) and had a pretty strawberry atop. ;P
Some of the most wonderful people in the world sat at this table!

Dear Christiana, Maid of Honor to both brides!

This was fun. (I love their expressions here!!)

Our dearest Aunt De with little Isa, her great-niece!
(can you believe that? My Aunt is truly, truly beautiful.)

And C&P

I love my manly men, who eat meat and potatoes. (they
are allowed an occasional piece of quiche)

*Rhino the Hamster's laugh* "Let it begin! Ahhh!" Mrs. A. , Mom and Dorothy did an excellent job on the desserts. Did I say that Dorothy's mocha cheesecake was on the table.....mmmm, but not for long.

Apparently the dear lad in front is before the sugar crash, and the dear lad in the back ground is just after. 'Tis the nature of things.

What a pure joy and honor to have the S. family-they are such a tremendous blessing to our family.

John Man
The order of the evening was feasting and toasting. Here are pictures of the eating.

This was the table I got to sit at! Oh, I love these people. How blessed one is, to enjoy good food with people one loves so much.

Chandler's father started out the blessings and toasts, and then... father spoke,



other uncles, grandfathers, more brothers, cousins, precious old friends and some new ones, spoke blessings and gave advice to the two couples. I didn't get a picture of every one who spoke (most of them, really) but many things that were said were so special, direct and poignant that they brought tears to my eyes. It was truly a blessed time.

Lise sang a beautiful song to her bethrothed...

...and he listened with a full heart.
Love is beautiful. 
Then the father of the brides spoke to everyone,

as one daughter,

and then the other, look and listen to him with love in their eyes on the eve of him giving them to another.
It is beautiful.
Love, Adeline
I just talked to a friend who attended the wedding(s) and said the whole thing was quite beautiful. What great photos but the one that stood out to me was the picture of your mother. What a beautiful complexion she has! You girls are blessed to have such a pretty mom.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
Looking forward to the next part of the story! When?!!!
How neat, I am loving all the pics! What a blessing to see your family growing and growing in the Lord's direction and timing :)
SO excited to see the wedding images!
blessings to you all.
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