Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chunk 'O Life from this past February, according to Adeline and Martha

Adeline and Martha are all cozy...the house is quiet and all are asleep, (except them). They are looking at pictures in the laptop and laughing hysterically....they are writing down (some of) what they are saying when they look at each is cool and windy outside, and wet-it just stopped raining. Adeline is ecstatic about a quilt she started today, and hoping it will turn out as she anticipates. Martha started a skirt, which is pink and she is concerned she made it too short. The fabric looks like her. February is their sewing month this year-they are so, so excited!!!

Adeline ruined her precious package of hot chocolate powder this evening by pouring (unbeknowest to herself) mint tea (that was in the water pot instead of water) into her prepared mug. She was distressed. Martha found a very large spider while she was deep cleaning. Critter and Carlo came over this afternoon, and Aunt Marfa and Aunt Poog became prancing, unruly horses for the afternoon, complete with pawing, biting other horses and neighing.

The two children were terrified.

Adeline started *gulp* " Annals of the World, her book for February. (and maybe for March, April, May, June.....) It is a massive, intimidating but very interesting book for her. . Martha is reading Sixpence in her Shoe, that incredible book Adeline was reading last month that she was telling you about. It is good for them to read books.

They have had a blessed day and are so thankful to the Lord...
And now, they are enjoying being together and looking at pictures....

A few weeks ago, Wesley and Rach come over for monopoly. It was glorious chaos and laughing almost nonstop....
Adeline: That's my pile, right there! A whole monopoly, money and free stays forever on my hotel-burdened neighbors!! Awesome...almost won.
Adeline: "That serious look means he believes in the deal he's offering you."

Martha: "Must be financially unstable."

Adeline: Winter is bad for me...

Martha: "She's the winner, and she knows it..."
Adeline: "LOL, Wesley!! He's so cute...Never could get that deal..."
Adeline: Sam's obviously offering me three of something...I look unconvinced...

Martha: Awww, Edwin's believing little heart there-taken in by every word...Look, he's trading him with a purple! I remember so many times I was jilted..."Lost so many dogs..."
Martha: He's cold.

Adeline:... very nice scarf...
Adeline: He's definitely the winner. Stead Stir has a keen sense of financial prowess!!
Adeline and Martha: "Rachie-Pachie! We 'wove' her!!
Martha: "ah. bless my heart."

Adeline: (laughs) "I love this picture of you, Marth..."
Martha "Look, him's distraught..."
Adeline: "Poor thing. On the brink of financial runination...."

Ah, that was a fun night....
Adeline: "Oh, and look at this! Isn't it lovely? The boys have been doing these really neat experiments lately, and we've been enjoying them through the magnifying glass...
Winter View

Adeline: I'm so glad Dee planted these!!! She is awesome!
"OH my goodness..."

When Paul was talking to Dorothy for over an hour one afternoon... ;) So precious!
Mason Jar
Adeline: "Martha-one of the most diligent women I've ever known!!" Adeline: Dear Mama. So sweet to wipe out all that mouse poop. (we'd been having an epidemic......)
Martha: (laughing) It's looks like you're on a sugar high!! :D

Adeline: Definitely a bad hair day. But that is my favorite outfit, which is good. :)
Martha: These are from a friend's old office.

Adeline: See, they're even green!! :D With beautiful brass handles. They're for organizing our patterns in the sewing room- they're prefect, and we love 'em...

Well, goodnight !
Have a blessed, beautiful day tomorrow!!

~Adeline and Martha, with love


Rora Valley said...

LOL, Adeline and Martha! Y'all should do posts like this more often! Grace :)

The Campana Family said...

Oh Adeline and Martha,
We loved this post!!!!!!
It made us miss ya'll terribly.
We could just see ya'll writing it! lol

Alyssa and Mariah or A.M. ;)